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How Candidates Are Nominated


Learn about the nominating process with this QuickTalk on caucuses and primaries. 


Political Primaries: How Are Candidates Nominated? 

Genre: Article | Creator: Library of Congress | Date: Unknown 


The lead-up to a presidential election is long and complex. Before a party selects its nominee, candidates go through a rigorous process. This source, from the Library of Congress, describes the early days of the nomination process, which was rife with corruption. 

Learn about the nomination process for presidential candidates.

Though these conventions were attended by delegates sent from their respective states, delegates were often chosen by state and party bosses with sway over the delegates’ loyalties, instead of using the results of the primary elections; party bosses were accused of trading convention floor votes for power, patronage, or even cash. The excitement and corruption of party politics was not limited to the national arenas and big party players. E. R. Kaiser paints a picture of local party politics in the late 1800s.

Politics played a big part in the life of this town years ago. Campaigns were hot, and there was always a big celebration afterwards. … Votes used to be bought — that is before the secret ballot was adopted. Some sold ’em pretty cheap. I remember one old fellow who sold out to one party for a dollar — then sold out to the other for the same price.

Many sought to reform conventions that uniformly ignored the will of individual voters in their selection of presidential candidates.

In the first decade of the 1900s, states began to hold primary elections to select the delegates who would attend national nominating conventions. The introduction of these primary elections mitigated the corrupt control of party and state bosses. But the widespread adoption of primary elections was not immediate and so they did not play as strong a role in determining a party’s candidate as they do today.

In 1912, the first year in which a presidential candidate, two-time President Theodore Roosevelt, tried to secure his nomination through primary elections, nine states elected delegates that supported Roosevelt. Incumbent William Howard Taft won only one primary election. Despite Roosevelt’s wholesale victory of the popular vote, Taft received the Republican nomination because only 42% of the delegates who attended the nominating convention had been selected through primary elections. The rest had been selected by party bosses who supported Taft and succeeded in granting him their party’s nomination.

Failing to win the Republican nomination, Roosevelt and his supporters formed the Progressive Party, or Bull Moose Party, with Roosevelt as its presidential candidate. Roosevelt failed to win the Presidency that year, but with the help of the Progressive Party, our country’s primary system began to change. Fed up with corrupt party politics, Americans demanded and won reforms that reduced the power of party bosses. The introduction of the secret ballot had led the way in 1888. By the 1920s, almost every state had loosened the grip of political bosses and placed candidate selection more firmly in the hands of citizen voters.

As primaries were universally adopted as the method for selecting delegates, they became a more consequential part of the election process.

Excerpted from “Political Primaries: How Are Candidates Nominated?”



Pose the following question to students. 

How do primaries and caucuses prepare a candidate for their party’s nomination for president? 

  • Go around the room and have each student share aloud a short, quick response to the question.
  • After all students have responded, ask:
    • What common ideas did you share in the wraparound?
    • What surprised you?
    • What are you curious to investigate after this wraparound?

Teacher Resources

Think Like a Historian

Use this additional sourcing information to further contextualize the source in order to deepen students’ analysis and evaluation.


This source describes the origin of the primary system: corrupt party and state leaders ignored the will of individual voters in the nomination process. 


The purpose of this source is to explain the development of presidential primaries.

Intended Audience

The intended audience is students of history and people who want to understand how primaries came to be.

Source Considerations

The piece does not have an exact date for when it was written. The Library of Congress, a U.S. government agency, wrote the original source as part of its presentation on U.S. presidential elections. As such, this source has likely been fact-checked for accuracy and can be considered credible.

Scaffolding and Differentiation

Use the following information to provide reading comprehension support. 


Students may find the nonchronological organization of this source confusing.


Students may struggle with the terms popular vote, series, and extensive. Encourage students to use an online dictionary to define these words.

Analyze and Discuss

To extend discussions, consider asking the following questions.

  • What is this source’s purpose? 
    • (The purpose of this source is to describe efforts to cleanse the presidential nomination process of corruption.)
  • What is a detail in the source that shows its purpose?
    • (One detail that shows this purpose is the line “Though these conventions were attended by delegates sent from their respective states, delegates were often chosen by state and party bosses.”)

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