On-Demand Tutoring - Imagine Learning

On-Demand Tutoring


Imagine School Services
Student writing in notebook while watching a lesson on their tablet

On-Demand Tutoring

Expert tutors provide real-time individualized support using a secure online platform. Equitable access to one-on-one support gives students the guidance they need to move on to more complex concepts with confidence.
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Deliver Individualized Student Support with On-Demand Tutoring

On-Demand Tutoring Features and Benefits

Secure, equitable access — seven days a week

Whether they’re stuck on one part of a math problem or are struggling with a complex science concept, students benefit from one-on-one support that’s personalized to their needs. Imagine School Services’ on-demand tutors provide easy-to-access, individualized support to all learners whenever they need it.

tutoring help

Embedded support

Students click on the “Tutoring Help” button directly within their lesson to contact an on-demand tutor. And, students can reference former chat sessions if they want to review what they’ve learned at a later time.

A render of the On-Demand Tutoring catalog front page and inner spread

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