Twig Science Pre-K Lesson Plans - Imagine Learning - Imagine Learning


A collage of pre-k students laughing in a group surrounded by images of Twig Science content

Twig Science

A dynamic, sensory-rich learning experience designed for pre-kindergarten students. Featuring digital interactives and high-quality video content that support young learners on their path to becoming creative problem solvers. 

Discover Twig Science for Grades Pre-K–8

See Twig Science Pre-K in Action

An icon of two bi-directional arrows crossing in the middle

Pre-K Learning Standards and NGSS Alignment

An icon depicting a checklist

Cross-Curricular Connections

An icon depicting two speech bubbles overlapping

Focus on WIDA Standards and Language Acquisition

A pair of pre-k students holding and manipulating a molecular model

Make a difference right from the start

Introduce the wonders of science through explorations of the everyday and the extraordinary.

Twig Science Pre-K offers dynamic, phenomena-based learning for young students through fun science lesson plans and engaging science resources, including hands-on investigations and interactives.

Whether it’s embarking on a senses safari or decoding extreme weather patterns, Twig Science sparks curiosity in young learners, setting the stage for a lifelong fascination with science. 

A screenshot of an interactive in Twig Science about the different systems of the human body

Bridging the Gap with Twig Science Pre-K  

Nurture early growth and development with age-appropriate, colorful visuals, engaging interactives and fun games that build both scientific and literacy skills. With activities in both print and digital formats, students explore and understand scientific phenomena while simultaneously building foundational literacy skills.

An image of student activity sheets from Twig Science

Student Activity Sheets 

  • Inquiry-based activity sheets empower students to explore, create, and explain phenomena using graphic organizers, drawings, text, and visuals.  
  • Perfect for building essential early literacy skills — available in both print and digital. 
Screenshots of the interactive read-alouds in Twig Science

Interactive Read-Alouds 

  • Interactive, digital read-alouds offer an immersive auditory and narrative classroom experience.  
  • Students build background knowledge, unravel scientific concepts, and deepen critical thinking. 
An image depicting various graphical science-themed posters from Twig Science

Science Investigation Posters 

  • Drive student engagement and interactive learning with large format, dry erase posters. 
  • Colorful visuals, academic vocabulary aids, and infographics that produce memorable visual and kinesthetic models. 

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