The Ultimate Guide to Science and Engineering Practices - Imagine Learning

Science and Engineering Practices

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The Ultimate Guide to

Science and Engineering Practices

What Are Science and Engineering Practices? 

Designed to be taught in a real-world context 

Science and engineering practices (SEPs) are a key part of 3-D learning. These practices mirror the skills that scientists and engineers use every day — like modeling, explaining complex ideas, and engaging in critique or evaluating evidence. 

SEPs require students to learn by doing and discovering information themselves rather than simply receiving it. This process builds essential critical thinking and problem-solving skills that apply across all STEM subjects.

How Do SEPs Help Students Investigate the World Around Them?

Asking Questions and Defining Problems

Science always starts with a question, whether it’s driven by curiosity or inspired by the work of others.

Developing and Using Models

In science and engineering, models help explain systems, from the galaxy to molecules, and predict their behaviors.

Planning and Carrying Out Investigations

Investigations are at the heart of both science and engineering.

Analyzing and Interpreting Data

Raw data holds little meaning until it’s analyzed and interpreted.

Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking

Mathematics is at the heart of science and engineering, helping students represent variables, record findings, and make predictions.

Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions

This practice involves creating evidence-based explanations for phenomena and designing solutions to engineering problems.

Engaging in Argument from Evidence

In science, it’s common to have more than one explanation for something, and engaging in argument from evidence helps identify the most fitting one.

Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information

Much scientific research involves “secondary research,” where scientists review existing publications such as journals, books, or conference materials.

SEP posters for the classroom

Download our free printable posters to remind your students that Science and Engineering Practices are an important part of the process of scientific investigations. 

A collation of nine classroom posters explaining each Science and Engineering Practice

Experience the difference with 3-D learning 

It’s easy to hit all three dimensions of 3-D learning with Twig Science — the robust, NGSS-aligned science program for K–8. Through phenomena-based exploration, students seamlessly integrate Crosscutting Concepts, Science and Engineering Practices, and Disciplinary Core Ideas, gaining a deeper, interconnected understanding of science.   

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