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Grade X
Phenomena TrackerGrade 6
Phenomena Tracker
BioTech Systems Worldwide Blue: SEP Orange: DCI Green: CCC
Anchor Phenomenon: A patient who experiences heart failure can recover if their heart is replaced.
How do human body systems and subsystems work together?
Driving Question 1: How do human body systems function?
This Driving Question
defines the concept of
a system, how different
parts make up a system,
and how systems in
the human body work
together. Students
study the digestive
system, muscular
system, nervous system,
respiratory system,
circulatory system, and
excretory system.
Teacher Edition
Twig Book
Driving Question
MS-LS1-3 Use argument supported by
evidence for how the body is a system
of interacting subsystems composed
of groups of cells
MS-LS1-8 Gather and synthesize
information that sensory receptors
respond to stimuli by sending
messages to the brain for immediate
behavior or storage as memories
Anchor Phenomenon
MS-LS1-1, MS-LS1-2, MS-LS1-3
The human body has
many structures, and
each has a particular
function to help
us survive.
The human body is a
system made up of
many smaller systems,
which interact.
The brain and nervous
system interact with
other body systems
so that they can
work effectively.
Memories are created
in the brain when
sense receptors
send messages.
Explore the phenomena
of human body systems
Analyze texts, watch
videos, and create
models to study
different body systems,
and understand how
they work together
Investigate sources and
use research to evaluate
the credibility and
validity of a text
Examine scientific
data and research to
conclude that the body
is a system of systems.
Students engage with
the Anchor Phenomenon
by reading a text about
a person whose heart
is failing. Then they
generate questions
about the Anchor
Phenomenon (see
example in Lesson 2).
Students investigate the
Anchor Phenomenon
by reading a text
about heart failure and
completing a graphic
organizer (see example
in Lesson 13).
Driving Question 2: How can technology replace and enhance the functions of human organs?
In this Driving Question,
students delve deeper
into systems by
exploring organs and
tissues. They learn that
organs wear out and
can be replaced by
either organ donation
or artificial organs.
All this information is
synthesized as students
create a poster and
display it to the rest
of the class.
Teacher Edition
Twig Book
Driving Question
MS-LS1-3 Use argument supported by
evidence for how the body is a system
of interacting subsystems composed
of groups of cells
Anchor Phenomenon
Human organs are
made up of tissues.
Tissues are made up
of cells.
Cells, tissues,
and organs have
specific functions.
Organs sometimes
fail or do not
work properly.
Organs and parts
of organs can be
replaced with donor
or artificial organs.
Scientists and
engineers work
together to improve
organ replacement
and artificial organs.
Use scientific texts
and videos to research
and produce an
informational poster
for BioTech Systems
Worldwide, with
detailed information
about organs and their
replacement parts.
Students evaluate the
Anchor Phenomenon
by describing how the
circulatory system would
be affected by a failing
heart (see example in
Lesson 1).
Students evaluate the
Anchor Phenomenon by
describing how different
body systems would
be affected by a failing
heart (see example in
Lesson 3).
BioTech Systems Worldwide Blue: SEP Orange: DCI Green: CCC
Anchor Phenomenon: A patient who experiences heart failure can recover if their heart is replaced.
How do human body systems and subsystems work together?
Driving Question 3: What things are made of cells?
This Driving Question
takes students deeper
into organs and
tissues by introducing
them to cells. Using
an interactive that
simulates a microscope,
students discover that
tissues are made of
smaller parts and that
only living things are
made of cells (or a
single cell). Students
realize that cells are
miniature systems,
but also parts of a
larger system.
Teacher Edition
Twig Book
Driving Question
MS-LS1-1 Conduct an investigation to
provide evidence that living things are
made of cells; either one cell or many
different numbers and types of cells
MS-LS1-2 Develop and use a model
to describe the function of a cell
as a whole and ways parts of cells
contribute to the function
MS-LS1-3 Use argument supported by
evidence for how the body is a system
of interacting subsystems composed
of groups of cells
Anchor Phenomenon
MS-LS1-1, MS-LS1-2, MS-LS1-3
Living things are made
of cells.
Cells have specific
Tissues are made
of cells.
Microscopes help us to
see cell structures.
Cells are made up
of smaller parts,
which have specific
Plant and animal
cells have different
Models can help
us understand the
different structures in
plant and animal cells.
Explore the phenomena
of cells
Use a microscope
interactive to investigate
and conclude that living
things are made of cells,
and non-living things
are not
Draw a model to explain
how a cell functions
Make a claim, then use
evidence and reasoning
to support my claim.
Students investigate the
Anchor Phenomenon
by comparing healthy
and unhealthy heart
cells (see example in
Lesson 5).
Students evaluate the
Anchor Phenomenon by
assessing how a heart
transplant would help
a patient with heart
failure (see example in
Lesson 6).
Students explain the
Anchor Phenomenon
by developing a model
of a healthy heart
and constructing an
argument for the patient
to receive a heart
transplant (see example
in Lesson 7).
Driving Question 4: How can we design and build a prosthetic hand to pick up a water bottle?
For this module’s
Engineering Design
Challenge, students are
challenged to build a
prosthetic hand that can
pick up a water bottle,
within a specific budget.
Teams design, build,
test, refine, and present
their work.
Teacher Edition
Twig Book
Driving Question
MS-LS1-3 Use argument supported by
evidence for how the body is a system
of interacting subsystems composed
of groups of cells
MS-ETS1-1 Define the criteria and
constraints of a design problem
with sufficient precision to ensure
a successful solution, taking into
account relevant scientific principles
and potential impacts on people and
the natural environment that may
limit possible solutions
MS-ETS1-2 Evaluate competing
design solutions using a systematic
process to determine how well they
meet the criteria and constraints of
the problem
Anchor Phenomenon
MS-LS1-2, MS-LS1-2, MS-LS1-3
Human hands rely
on many subsystems
to function.
The skeletal system
helps us to move.
Prosthetic limbs have
to function just like
the limbs they replace.
Engineers use
prototypes to test and
refine their designs.
Use knowledge gained
on how body systems
work together to design
and create a model of a
prosthetic hand
Evaluate designs to
assess how they meet
criteria and constraints.
Students resolve the
Anchor Phenomenon
through a class
discussion (see example
in Lesson2).
Grade X
Phenomena TrackerGrade 6
Phenomena Tracker
Destination Everywhere! Blue: SEP Orange: DCI Green: CCC
Anchor Phenomenon: Quito is not far from Cayambe, but Quito is warm all year round and the summit of Cayambe is always covered
in snow. Even though it is cold every day at Cayambe’s summit, it only snows on some days.
Weather and climate vary around the world, but we can use science and past trends to predict them.
Driving Question 1: What claims can be made about climate?
Students use an
interactive map and
readings to recognize
patterns in factors
that affect climate.
Factors include
latitude, altitude,
proximity to the coast,
ocean currents, and
precipitation. Students
begin work on their
Destination Guide by
gathering climate data
for a specific location of
their choice.
Teacher Edition
Twig Book
Driving Question
MS-ESS2-6 Develop and use a
model to describe how unequal
heating and rotation of the Earth
cause patterns of atmospheric and
oceanic circulation that determine
regional climates
Anchor Phenomenon
MS-ESS2-5, MS-ESS2-6, MS-ESS2-4
Weather is the
condition of the
atmosphere at a given
place and time.
Locations at higher
altitudes are colder
than those at lower
The climate at the
Equator is the same all
year round.
Areas near the coast
have less variation
in temperature
throughout the year.
There is more
precipitation in
locations near the
Climate is a region’s
average weather over
a long period of time.
There are five
climate zones across
the Earth.
Global wind patterns
move cold air from the
poles and warm air
from the Equator.
Use an interactive to
make claims about the
effects of different
geographical factors,
such as latitude and
coastal proximity, on the
climate of a region
Use maps and videos
to learn about global
patterns, including
the movement of
ocean currents and
prevailing winds.
Students engage with
the Anchor Phenomenon
by gathering information
about two locations with
different climates. Then
they generate questions
about the Anchor
Phenomenon (see
example in Lesson 1).
Students investigate the
Anchor Phenomenon by
collecting and organizing
data about the
longitude, latitude, and
altitude of Quito and the
summit of Cayambe (see
example in Lesson 3).
Students evaluate the
Anchor Phenomenon
by identifying patterns
in latitude, altitude,
and temperature of
Quito and Cayambe
summit (see example in
Lesson 6).
Destination Everywhere! Blue: SEP Orange: DCI Green: CCC
Anchor Phenomenon: Quito is not far from Cayambe, but Quito is warm all year round and the summit of Cayambe is always covered
in snow. Even though it is cold every day at Cayambe’s summit, it only snows on some days.
Weather and climate vary around the world, but we can use science and past trends to predict them.
Driving Question 2: What is the effect of the Sun shining onto the Earth?
Students are introduced
to the phenomenon of
the water cycle. They
compare how quickly
different materials
heat up and cool down,
examine convection
currents and how the
Sun’s energy influences
ocean currents and air
masses. Students then
learn about climate
zones and create
climate models for their
Destination Guide.
Teacher Edition
Twig Book
Driving Question
MS-ESS2-4 Develop a model to
describe the cycling of water through
Earth's systems driven by energy from
the sun and the force of gravity
MS-ESS2-5 Collect data to provide
evidence for how the motions
and complex interactions of air
masses results in changes in
weather conditions
MS-ESS2-6 Develop and use a
model to describe how unequal
heating and rotation of the Earth
cause patterns of atmospheric and
oceanic circulation that determine
regional climates
MS-PS3-4 Plan an investigation to
determine the relationships among
the energy transferred, the type of
matter, the mass, and the change
in the average kinetic energy of
the particles as measured by the
temperature of the sample
MS-PS3-5 Construct, use, and present
arguments to support the claim that
when the kinetic energy of an object
changes, energy is transferred to or
from the object
Anchor Phenomenon
MS-ESS2-6, MS-ESS2-4
All water on Earth is
constantly cycled.
Processes involved
in the water cycle
include evaporation,
and precipitation.
The Sun’s energy
drives the water cycle.
The Sun’s energy
heats the air, land,
and water.
Land heats more
quickly than water.
At higher
temperatures, air
pressure increases.
At cold temperatures,
air pressure decreases.
Analyzing data
helps scientists to
understand systems.
Differences in density,
temperature, and
salinity cause water
to rise or sink.
There are seven main
types of air masses.
differences and
the rotation of the
Earth contribute to
patterns of wind
and precipitation.
Conduct experiments
to understand the
phenomenon of the
water cycle, and
create a model of the
water cycle
Plan and carry out an
investigation to discover
whether water and land
heat and cool at the
same rate
Relate what I have
learned about factors
including altitude
and climate zone
to my Destination
Guide location.
Students evaluate the
Anchor Phenomenon by
completing a graphic
organizer and discussing
their results (see
example in Lesson 8).
Students evaluate the
Anchor Phenomenon
by describing how air
movement in Ecuador
relates to global
atmospheric circulation
(see example in
Lesson 14).
Grade X
Phenomena TrackerGrade 6
Phenomena Tracker
Destination Everywhere! Blue: SEP Orange: DCI Green: CCC
Anchor Phenomenon: Quito is not far from Cayambe, but Quito is warm all year round and the summit of Cayambe is always covered
in snow. Even though it is cold every day at Cayambe’s summit, it only snows on some days.
Weather and climate vary around the world, but we can use science and past trends to predict them.
Driving Question 3: Can we design a house that uses the Sun's energy to keep people warm?
Students take part in
an Engineering Design
Challenge: design a
home that is heated by
passive solar radiation.
Students experiment
with various materials
to discover their heat
capacity, then apply
this knowledge to their
home design.
Teacher Edition
Twig Book
Driving Question
MS-PS3-4 Plan an investigation to
determine the relationships among
the energy transferred, the type of
matter, the mass, and the change
in the average kinetic energy of
the particles as measured by the
temperature of the sample
MS-PS3-5 Construct, use, and present
arguments to support the claim that
when the kinetic energy of an object
changes, energy is transferred to or
from the object
MS-ETS1-1 Define the criteria and
constraints of a design problem
with sufficient precision to ensure
a successful solution, taking into
account relevant scientific principles
and potential impacts on people and
the natural environment that may
limit possible solutions
MS-ETS1-2 Evaluate competing
design solutions using a systematic
process to determine how well they
meet the criteria and constraints of
the problem
MS-ETS1-3 Analyze data from tests to
determine similarities and differences
among several design solutions to
identify the best characteristics of
each that can be combined into a new
solution to better meet the criteria
for success
The Sun warms the
surface of the Earth.
The Sun’s energy can
be used to heat and
power homes.
Some materials
heat more quickly
than others.
Some materials are
good insulators.
Build, test, and revise a
model for a home that
uses the Sun’s energy to
keep people warm
Conduct experiments
to learn how different
materials change
temperature during
the day and night, and
create a spreadsheet
and graph of the results
Use what I have learned
about materials to
create and present
a final design for my
passive solar home.
Destination Everywhere! Blue: SEP Orange: DCI Green: CCC
Anchor Phenomenon: Quito is not far from Cayambe, but Quito is warm all year round and the summit of Cayambe is always covered
in snow. Even though it is cold every day at Cayambe’s summit, it only snows on some days.
Weather and climate vary around the world, but we can use science and past trends to predict them.
Driving Question 4: How can we predict the weather?
Students define and
differentiate the
phenomena of weather
and climate. By studying
air pressure maps,
students learn the
effects of high and low
pressure on weather,
which leads into a study
of wind, weather fronts
and air masses. Applying
this learning, students
try to predict the
weather, then complete
their Destination Guides.
Teacher Edition
Twig Book
Driving Question
MS-ESS2-5 Collect data to provide
evidence for how the motions
and complex interactions of air
masses results in changes in
weather conditions
MS-ESS2-6 Develop and use a
model to describe how unequal
heating and rotation of the Earth
cause patterns of atmospheric and
oceanic circulation that determine
regional climates
Anchor Phenomenon
MS-ESS2-5, MS-ESS2-6, MS-ESS2-4
Climate is a region’s
average weather over
a long period of time.
Weather is the
condition of the
atmosphere at a
given place and time.
Air pressure varies and
influences weather
and climate.
Calm weather
appears in areas
of high pressure.
Rainy and stormy
weather appears in
areas of low pressure.
Air is always trying
to move from high
pressure to low
pressure to equalize.
When air pressure
changes, there is wind.
analyze data and
make weather
predictions based
on the evidence.
Use diagrams, models,
and videos to learn
about air pressure
and air masses, and
understand how
these factors affect
the weather
Create and present
a Destination Guide
to demonstrate my
understanding of the
weather and climate in
my chosen location.
Students investigate the
Anchor Phenomenon by
collecting and organizing
data about pressure
systems (see example in
Lesson 3).
Students evaluate the
Anchor Phenomenon by
predicting the weather
on the summit of
Cayambe (see example
in Lesson 4).
Students explain the
Anchor Phenomenon by
writing a Destination
Guide for Quito and
Cayambe (see example
in Lesson 7).
Students resolve the
Anchor Phenomenon
through a class
discussion (see example
in Lesson 9).
Grade X
Phenomena TrackerGrade 6
Phenomena Tracker
The Red List Blue: SEP Orange: DCI Green: CCC
Anchor Phenomenon: Sea otters in California have been protected by laws since 1913 but their population levels have not changed
enough to take them off the endangered species list.
How do the environment and genetics affect animals and plants?
Driving Question 1: How do animal behaviors and plant structures affect their survival and reproduction?
Students are introduced
to their role as
ecologists, and choose
an endangered species
to study during the
module. They focus on
things that increase the
likelihood of successful
reproduction, including
courtship rituals and
parenting behaviors in
animals, and pollination
and seed dispersal
methods in plants.
Teacher Edition
Twig Book
Driving Question
MS-LS1-4 Use argument based on
empirical evidence and scientific
reasoning to support an explanation
for how characteristic animal
behaviors and specialized plant
structures affect the probability of
successful reproduction of animals
and plants respectively
MS-ETS1-1 Define the criteria and
constraints of a design problem
with sufficient precision to ensure
a successful solution, taking into
account relevant scientific principles
and potential impacts on people and
the natural environment that may
limit possible solutions
Anchor Phenomenon
MS-LS3-2, MS-LS1-4, MS-LS1-5
Scientists evaluate
information carefully
to ensure it is relevant
and accurate.
Endangered species
are at risk of
becoming extinct in
the wild.
Plants and animals
have structures and
behaviors that help
them to reproduce.
Some plants and
animals engage
in behaviors that
help their offspring
to survive.
Explore the phenomena
of plant and animal
Research an endangered
species and learn about
why it is at risk
Use videos and texts
to learn how different
plants and animals
successfully reproduce
Write a scientific
argument explaining how
animal behaviors and
plant structures increase
the probability of
successful reproduction.
Students engage with
the Anchor Phenomenon
by reading a text about
sea otters. Then they
generate questions
about the Anchor
Phenomenon (see
example in Lesson 1).
Students investigate
and evaluate the Anchor
Phenomenon by reading
an article and collecting
information in a graphic
organizer (see example
in Lesson 10).
The Red List Blue: SEP Orange: DCI Green: CCC
Anchor Phenomenon: Sea otters in California have been protected by laws since 1913 but their population levels have not changed
enough to take them off the endangered species list.
How do the environment and genetics affect animals and plants?
Driving Question 2: How do species reproduce?
Students learn about
sexual and asexual
reproduction, genetics,
and heredity—
including traits, genes,
and chromosomes.
Using genotypes and
phenotypes, students
create a genetic model
of a butterfly. They
learn how parents
pass traits to their
offspring in both
sexual and asexual
reproduction. Students
apply this learning to
the endangered species
they are studying in
the module.
Teacher Edition
Twig Book
Driving Question
MS-LS1-4 Use argument based on
empirical evidence and scientific
reasoning to support an explanation
for how characteristic animal
behaviors and specialized plant
structures affect the probability of
successful reproduction of animals
and plants respectively
MS-LS1-5 Construct a scientific
explanation based on evidence for
how environmental and genetic
factors influence the growth
of organisms
MS-LS3-2 Develop and use a model
to describe why asexual reproduction
results in offspring with identical
genetic information and sexual
reproduction results in offspring with
genetic variation
Anchor Phenomenon
MS-LS3-2, MS-LS1-5
Plants and animals
have structures and
behaviors that help
them to reproduce.
Sexual reproduction
requires male and
female structures.
Asexual reproduction
results in identical
Sexual reproduction
results in offspring
with genetic variation.
Genetic information
is inherited from an
organism’s parents.
Genes, chromosomes,
and alleles determine
what traits an
organism has.
Genotypes and
phenotypes determine
variation in traits.
Species with more
variation among their
members are more
successful in surviving.
Explore the phenomena
of sexual and asexual
Create models to show
my understanding of
genes and chromosomes
Use texts and
models to learn how
genes determine an
individual’s traits
Identify whether
different species rely
on sexual or asexual
Students investigate the
Anchor Phenomenon by
exploring the genetic
traits of sea otters that
affect survival (see
example in Lesson 4).
Students evaluate the
Anchor Phenomenon
by recording data on
the trait of disease
resistance in sea
otters (see example in
Lesson 7).
Students evaluate the
Anchor Phenomenon by
modeling the inheritance
of disease resistance in
sea otters (see example
in Lesson 9).
Driving Question 3: How do environmental and genetic factors influence the growth of an organism?
Students analyze
results from scientific
studies showing how
environmental factors
affect growth in
populations. They study
examples including
lettuce, lake sturgeon,
chickens, and fruit.
Teacher Edition
Twig Book
Driving Question
MS-LS1-5 Construct a scientific
explanation based on evidence for
how environmental and genetic
factors influence the growth
of organisms
MS-LS3-2 Develop and use a model
to describe why asexual reproduction
results in offspring with identical
genetic information and sexual
reproduction results in offspring with
genetic variation
Anchor Phenomenon
MS-LS3-2, MS-LS1-5
Environmental factors
influence how many of
a species will survive.
Environmental factors
can influence the traits
a species will develop.
Analyzing experimental
data helps us to
see how traits have
changed in a species
over time.
Explore the phenomenon
of genetics
Analyze and interpret
data from scientific
Explain how
environmental and
genetic factors influence
the growth of organisms.
Students investigate the
Anchor Phenomenon
by collecting and
organizing data
about environmental
and genetic factors
that affect sea otter
populations (see
example in Lesson 3).
Students evaluate the
Anchor Phenomenon by
recording information
about factors that affect
sea otter populations
(see example in
Lesson 7).
Grade X
Phenomena TrackerGrade 6
Phenomena Tracker
The Red List Blue: SEP Orange: DCI Green: CCC
Anchor Phenomenon: Sea otters in California have been protected by laws since 1913 but their population levels have not changed
enough to take them off the endangered species list.
How do the environment and genetics affect animals and plants?
Driving Question 4: How do we protect endangered species?
Students are introduced
to species conservation
plans and recovery
plans. Students develop
conservation plans for
their chosen species.
Teacher Edition
Twig Book
Driving Question
MS-LS1-4 Use argument based on
empirical evidence and scientific
reasoning to support an explanation
for how characteristic animal
behaviors and specialized plant
structures affect the probability of
successful reproduction of animals
and plants respectively
MS-LS1-5 Construct a scientific
explanation based on evidence for
how environmental and genetic
factors influence the growth
of organisms
MS-ETS1-1 Define the criteria and
constraints of a design problem
with sufficient precision to ensure
a successful solution, taking into
account relevant scientific principles
and potential impacts on people and
the natural environment that may
limit possible solutions
MS-ETS1-2 Evaluate competing
design solutions using a systematic
process to determine how well they
meet the criteria and constraints of
the problem
Anchor Phenomenon
MS-LS3-2, MS-LS1-5, MS-LS1-4
Human impacts on the
natural environment
have caused many
species to become
Conservation projects
can help increase
the population of
endangered species
in the wild.
endangered species
to reproduce will
help to increase
their populations.
Use my learning to
devise ways to protect
my chosen endangered
species and help its
population increase
Write and present a
conservation plan for my
chosen species.
Students explain the
Anchor Phenomenon
by writing a speech
about sea otter
populations (see
example in Lesson 4).
Students resolve the
Anchor Phenomenon
through a class
discussion (see example
in Lesson 5).
Grade X
Phenomena TrackerGrade 6
Phenomena Tracker
Cities of the Future Blue: SEP Orange: DCI Green: CCC
Anchor Phenomenon: New York City’s energy resources have changed over the past 400 years. The city plans to continue changing
the types of resources it uses.
How can we reduce harmful impacts on the environment in the places where people live?
Driving Question 1: How do humans impact the environment?
This Driving Question
explores the ways that
human activities affect
Earth systems. Students
research different
environmental problems
and present their
findings to the class,
and then focus on the
issue of water pollution.
Students examine
three environmental
impact studies and
are introduced to
the module project:
designing a new
community with a low
environmental impact.
Teacher Edition
Twig Book
Driving Question
MS-ESS3-3 Apply scientific principles
to design a method for monitoring
and minimizing a human impact on
the environment
MS-ESS3-3 , MS-ESS3-5
Human activities
can have a negative
impact on the
Human activity
causes land pollution,
air pollution, water
pollution, and scarcity
of natural resources.
Biomonitoring is
a way to measure
pollution levels.
High levels of
phosphates in water
means that there is
high levels of pollution.
Research and present an
environmental topic
Recognize how
humans impact every
Earth system
Relate human activities
to their impacts on the
Students engage with
the Anchor Phenomenon
by reading an article
about New York City (see
example in Lesson 1).
Students investigate
and evaluate the
Anchor Phenomenon
by identifying the
relationship between
human activities and
their impact on the
environment (see
example in Lesson 6).
Cities of the Future Blue: SEP Orange: DCI Green: CCC
Anchor Phenomenon: New York City’s energy resources have changed over the past 400 years. The city plans to continue changing
the types of resources it uses.
How can we reduce harmful impacts on the environment in the places where people live?
Driving Question 2: What does the evidence tell us about climate change?
Through investigation
of various factors that
may affect Earth’s
climate, students
look for evidence that
supports or refutes the
claim “climate change
is happening.” They
review and analyze
graphs showing global
temperature and
greenhouse gas levels
over time, examine
data from videos and
texts, and develop
a final argument
about the causes of
climate change.
Teacher Edition
Twig Book
Driving Question
MS-ESS3-5 Ask questions to clarify
evidence of the factors that have
caused the rise in global temperatures
over the past century
Anchor Phenomenon
MS-ESS3-3 , MS-ESS3-5
More frequent severe
weather events,
floods, melting
glaciers, rising sea
levels, and shrinking
lakes are all evidence
of climate change.
There is a correlation
between the increase
in carbon dioxide
emissions and the
increase in global
Carbon dioxide gas
in the atmosphere
causes a rise in
temperature at the
Earth’s surface.
Human activity has
caused the amount
of carbon dioxide
in the atmosphere
to increase.
Volcanoes, the
Sun, and other
natural phenomena
also contribute to
climate change.
Explore the phenomenon
of climate change
Evaluate the reliability
of evidence used to
support a scientific claim
Extract information
about the impact of
climate change from
videos, texts, and
different types of graphs
Compare historical and
current patterns of
climate change.
Students investigate the
Anchor Phenomenon by
comparing data between
New York City and the
world and identifying
patterns (see example
in Lesson 4).
Students evaluate the
Anchor Phenomenon by
identifying correlations
in data (see example in
Lesson 5).
Students evaluate the
Anchor Phenomenon
by identifying and
discussing patterns
between population,
carbon emissions, and
sea level (see example
in Lesson 9).
Grade X
Phenomena TrackerGrade 6
Phenomena Tracker
Cities of the Future Blue: SEP Orange: DCI Green: CCC
Anchor Phenomenon: New York City’s energy resources have changed over the past 400 years. The city plans to continue changing
the types of resources it uses.
How can we reduce harmful impacts on the environment in the places where people live?
Driving Question 3: How does climate change affect living things?
This Driving Question
focuses on the impact
of climate change on
the biosphere. Students
synthesize information
from graphs, texts,
and maps in order to
understand the impact
of climate change on
organisms and food
webs. They write and
revise a claim about how
climate change is likely
to affect living things.
Teacher Edition
Twig Book
Driving Question
MS-LS1-4 Use argument based on
empirical evidence and scientific
reasoning to support an explanation
for how characteristic animal
behaviors and specialized plant
structures affect the probability of
successful reproduction of animals
and plants respectively
MS-LS1-5 Construct a scientific
explanation based on evidence for
how environmental and genetic factors
influence the growth of organisms
Anchor Phenomenon
MS-ESS3-5, MS-ESS3-3
Climate change
affects the health
of ecosystems and
the organisms that
live there.
Making observations of
changes in ecosystems
provides evidence of
how environmental
changes affect
living things.
Changing one thing in
a food web impacts
every organism.
Predict the effects
of climate change
on plants, animals,
and humans
Evaluate the validity of
an information source.
Students evaluate the
Anchor Phenomenon
by discussing initiatives
to address some of the
causes of increasing
temperatures (see
example in Lesson 5).
Driving Question 4: How can we design solutions to reduce our impact on the environment?
Students explore how
communities create
solutions to reduce
harmful impacts on
the environment. They
design a new community
that meets a set of
criteria and constraints
that they have defined.
Teacher Edition
Twig Book
Driving Question
MS-ESS3-3 Apply scientific principles
to design a method for monitoring
and minimizing a human impact on
the environment
MS-ETS1-1 Define the criteria and
constraints of a design problem
with sufficient precision to ensure
a successful solution, taking into
account relevant scientific principles
and potential impacts on people and
the natural environment that may
limit possible solutions
MS-ETS1-2 Evaluate competing
design solutions using a systematic
process to determine how well they
meet the criteria and constraints of
the problem
MS-ETS1-4 Develop a model to
generate data for iterative testing
and modification of a proposed
object, tool, or process such that an
optimal design can be achieved
Anchor Phenomenon
MS-ESS3-3, MS-ESS3-5
A carbon footprint is
the amount of carbon
dioxide released into
the atmosphere as a
result of the activities
of an individual,
or community.
communities, and
organizations can
reduce their impact on
the environment.
Estimate my carbon
footprint and find
ways to limit my
carbon emissions
Explore ways to limit
human impacts on
the environment
Create a design for a
new community with a
reduced environmental
Students explain the
Anchor Phenomenon in
a series of social media
posts (see example in
Lesson 7).
Students resolve the
Anchor Phenomenon
through a class
discussion (see example
in Lesson 10).