Imagine MyPath Logic ModelImagine MyPath® gives every K–12 student a pathway to grade-level success with a personalized and adaptive
program in reading and math. The program prioritizes critical foundational skills in an engaging, age-appropriate
learning environment.
This logic model provides a conceptual model of how Imagine MyPath is intended to work, describing the
resources required to make it effective and the outcomes that teachers can expect students to demonstrate.
Program Inputs
● Explicit, adaptive, and personalized reading and math
● Smart Sequencer targets learning gaps and pinpoints
prerequisite skills needed to master grade-level standards
● Embedded MyPath Assessment establishes students’
individualized learning paths and measures growth
● NWEA MAP Growth and Renaissance Star integrations
available to establish students’ individualized learning
paths without additional testing
● Instruction focused on essential grade-level concepts
and skills to accelerate learning
● Multi-sensory and game-based motivation system
● Age-appropriate content, regardless of skill level
● Interactive and graphic scaffolds to support diverse
learners, including hyperlinked vocabulary words,
metacognitive bubbles, calculator and graphing tools,
and graphic organizers
● Sensory scaffolds provided with multimedia support
that combine video, audio, text, and narration, as well as
interactive manipulatives
● On-screen translation available for over 60 languages,
text-to-speech read-aloud for over 45 languages, and
K–5 math lessons available in Spanish
● Data dashboard delivers actionable data to teachers to
inform instructional decision-making
● Assignment Builder allows teachers to explore, preview
and assign lessons and formative assessments
● Onboarding and implementation support
● Professional development and coaching for teachers and
● Flexible implementation models for content delivery
● Customer support to troubleshoot issues
DISTRICT ● Technology: networked computers or mobile devices,
headphones, and supporting hardware and software
● Enable appropriate language support for students who may
require it
● School and district infrastructure to support technology use
● Teacher buy-in and readiness to adopt technology
● School implementation plan
program in reading and math. The program prioritizes critical foundational skills in an engaging, age-appropriate
learning environment.
This logic model provides a conceptual model of how Imagine MyPath is intended to work, describing the
resources required to make it effective and the outcomes that teachers can expect students to demonstrate.
Program Inputs
● Explicit, adaptive, and personalized reading and math
● Smart Sequencer targets learning gaps and pinpoints
prerequisite skills needed to master grade-level standards
● Embedded MyPath Assessment establishes students’
individualized learning paths and measures growth
● NWEA MAP Growth and Renaissance Star integrations
available to establish students’ individualized learning
paths without additional testing
● Instruction focused on essential grade-level concepts
and skills to accelerate learning
● Multi-sensory and game-based motivation system
● Age-appropriate content, regardless of skill level
● Interactive and graphic scaffolds to support diverse
learners, including hyperlinked vocabulary words,
metacognitive bubbles, calculator and graphing tools,
and graphic organizers
● Sensory scaffolds provided with multimedia support
that combine video, audio, text, and narration, as well as
interactive manipulatives
● On-screen translation available for over 60 languages,
text-to-speech read-aloud for over 45 languages, and
K–5 math lessons available in Spanish
● Data dashboard delivers actionable data to teachers to
inform instructional decision-making
● Assignment Builder allows teachers to explore, preview
and assign lessons and formative assessments
● Onboarding and implementation support
● Professional development and coaching for teachers and
● Flexible implementation models for content delivery
● Customer support to troubleshoot issues
DISTRICT ● Technology: networked computers or mobile devices,
headphones, and supporting hardware and software
● Enable appropriate language support for students who may
require it
● School and district infrastructure to support technology use
● Teacher buy-in and readiness to adopt technology
● School implementation plan
877-725-4257 •
Classroom Activities
STUDENT ACTIVITIES ● Students at grade level use Imagine MyPath for
30–60 minutes per subject per week
● Students below grade level use Imagine MyPath for
60–90 minutes per subject per week
● Students spend 15-20 minutes per session working in
the program
● Students complete offline activities if and when
assigned by teacher
TEACHER ACTIVITIES ● Teachers spend approximately 30 minutes per week
reviewing program data through the Imagine MyPath data
dashboard and planning instruction to meet student needs
● Teachers ensure all students are meeting minimum usage
and progress goals
● Teachers identify and act upon opportunities for small- or
whole-group follow-up based on lesson performance
● Teachers use offline resources to provide additional practice
or support when necessary
● Teachers manually assign learning paths or activities to
students when appropriate
STUDENT OUTPUTS ● Students placed at or above grade level completed at
least one lesson per subject per week
● Students placed below grade level completed at least two
lessons per subject per week
● Students demonstrated content engagement based on
progress in the program
● Students demonstrated content mastery based on
lessons passed in the program
TEACHER OUTPUTS ● Teachers completed professional development and felt
prepared to implement Imagine MyPath
● Teachers built their understanding of students’ strengths
and areas of growth
● Teachers made informed calibrations of student
educational pathways based on student performance in
Imagine MyPath
● Teachers provided small- or whole-group support to
students based on performance in Imagine MyPath
SHORT-TERM ● Increased student engagement in math and reading
● Increased math and reading content mastery
● Increased performance on standardized reading and
math formative and summative assessments
● Students experience success in math and reading
content at their grade level
LONG-TERM ● Students are prepared to receive grade-level instruction in
later grades
● Students increase reading and math achievement on state
or nationally normed assessments
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877-725-4257 •
Classroom Activities
STUDENT ACTIVITIES ● Students at grade level use Imagine MyPath for
30–60 minutes per subject per week
● Students below grade level use Imagine MyPath for
60–90 minutes per subject per week
● Students spend 15-20 minutes per session working in
the program
● Students complete offline activities if and when
assigned by teacher
TEACHER ACTIVITIES ● Teachers spend approximately 30 minutes per week
reviewing program data through the Imagine MyPath data
dashboard and planning instruction to meet student needs
● Teachers ensure all students are meeting minimum usage
and progress goals
● Teachers identify and act upon opportunities for small- or
whole-group follow-up based on lesson performance
● Teachers use offline resources to provide additional practice
or support when necessary
● Teachers manually assign learning paths or activities to
students when appropriate
STUDENT OUTPUTS ● Students placed at or above grade level completed at
least one lesson per subject per week
● Students placed below grade level completed at least two
lessons per subject per week
● Students demonstrated content engagement based on
progress in the program
● Students demonstrated content mastery based on
lessons passed in the program
TEACHER OUTPUTS ● Teachers completed professional development and felt
prepared to implement Imagine MyPath
● Teachers built their understanding of students’ strengths
and areas of growth
● Teachers made informed calibrations of student
educational pathways based on student performance in
Imagine MyPath
● Teachers provided small- or whole-group support to
students based on performance in Imagine MyPath
SHORT-TERM ● Increased student engagement in math and reading
● Increased math and reading content mastery
● Increased performance on standardized reading and
math formative and summative assessments
● Students experience success in math and reading
content at their grade level
LONG-TERM ● Students are prepared to receive grade-level instruction in
later grades
● Students increase reading and math achievement on state
or nationally normed assessments
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