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Support Multilingual Language Development Pair conceptual understanding with language development to
advance all students’ proficiency in mathematicsCombining a unique focus on academic discourse with strategic scaffolding for multilingual learners,
Imagine Math amplifies students’ confidence to communicate in the language of mathematics.
Language support for the youngest mathematicians Fully available in both English and Spanish, Imagine Math PreK-2 enables young language learners and
native speakers alike to hone their communication and critical thinking skills in a bilingual, biliterate, or
dual-language setting.
Grades PreK–2
First-language support
Equitable audio and visual instructional
content in English or Spanish empowers
the youngest learners to build strong
foundational math skills.
Pictured: Grade 1: Review Measurement II (Left: English, Right: Spanish)
Bridge language gaps
Multiple representations in each lesson
make abstract concepts simultaneously
concrete and flexible for all students.
Contextualized vocabulary instruction
Vocabulary introduction through play
drives meaning making, then catchy
songs reinforce understanding for
long-term recall.
Pictured: Song - Hungry Crocodile
Scan the QR code to give it a listen
English Spanish
Pictured: Grade K: Adding and subtracting within 10 (Left: using a
ruler III, Right: word problems)
Academic discourse inspires equitable breakthroughs Students who regularly engage in mathematical discourse learn how to make meaning of challenging concepts and
communicate their thought processes effectively. Imagine Math 3+ supports all students’ long-term math success with
strategic language scaffolds.
Grades 3+
877-725-4257 • solutions@imaginelearning.com
Personalize math breakthroughs for every language learner with Imagine Math at
Imagine Math Facts, a CODiE winner for Best Gamification in Learning, is
designed to quickly build math fact fluency — the primary indicator of algebra
readiness — for students in grades 1-5.
Certified, bilingual Live Teachers offer rigorous instruction
and feedback in real time, during and outside of school hours.
Mathematical discourse with Live Teachers encourages students
to utilize precise mathematical language to communicate their
conceptual understanding in either Spanish or English.
Journaling opportunities with
embedded language scaffolds
provide varied opportunities to
justify reasoning.
First-language support in six
languages helps all students make
sense of mathematical concepts and
demonstrate that understanding in
multiple modalities.
Available Spanish audio for problem descriptions and solution paths encourages the use of precise
mathematical vocabulary.
Pictured: Math Journaling: Problem Solving Reflection (Left: English,
Right: Spanish)
Pictured: Glossary Audio Support Language
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