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Research Brief | Improved MAP Growth
Stratford Independent School District, Texas
68.9% of MyPath K–12 Students Exceeded Yearly
Growth Expectations on the MAP® Growth™
Reading and Mathematics Assessments
During the 2020–2021 school year, Stratford Independent School District piloted Imagine MyPath K–12 with fourth-
grade students at Mary Allen Elementary School (MAES). To assess Imagine MyPath K–12 students’ achievement,
Imagine Learning analyzed Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 MAP Growth Reading and Mathematics Assessment data.
Data show that fourth graders using Imagine MyPath K–12 demonstrated statistically significant gains (Figure 1) from
2020 to 2021. Moreover, 68.9% of all students exceeded annual growth expectations on the MAP Growth Reading and
Mathematics Assessments. According to published MAP Growth 2020 norms, fourth-grade students should gain 10.9
Rasch Unit (RIT) points on the MAP Growth Mathematics Assessment and 8.2 RIT points on the MAP Growth Reading
Assessment from Fall to Spring. After one year of Imagine MyPath K–12, analyses show that students averaged
a significant gain of 14.8 RIT points on the MAP Growth Mathematics Assessment, and 81.1% of students exceeded
expected Fall-to-Spring growth in mathematics. Similarly, students averaged a significant gain of 8.2 RIT points
on the MAP Growth Reading Assessment, and 57% of students exceeded the yearly reading growth benchmark.
Figure 1. Performance on the MAP Growth Reading and Mathematics
Assessments, Fall 2020 and Spring 2021
Mary Allen Elementary School, Grade 4
Overall RIT Score
Math (N=37)
Fall 2020 Spring 2021
195.5 198.7.5
Reading (N=37)
“With the pressure to raise academic achievement
and the overwhelming number of different learning
needs for students, we simply don’t have time to waste.
Imagine MyPath K–12’s adaptive technology, targeted
reading and mathematics instruction, and actionable
data helped our classrooms improve achievement. We
are now more clearly seeing individuals’ learning gaps
so that we can provide the targeted instruction needed
to accelerate learning.”
— Doug Rawlins
Assistant Superintendent of Instruction and
Curriculum, Stratford Independent School District
877-338-2020 • solutions@imaginelearning.com
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