Classical Academies — San Diego, California
Providing Flexibility, Accountability,
and Emotional Competency With
Imagine Edgenuity
Founded in 1999, Classical Academies serves 4,200 K–12 students in three
independent public charter schools in North San Diego County, California.
The organization’s mission is to prepare students for college, career, and
citizenship by partnering with families, offering rigorous academics,
fostering social and emotional learning, and providing academic choice.
Classical Academies enrolls a diverse array of students, ranging from
homeschoolers, athletes, and actors to gifted, traditional, remedial, at-risk,
and medically fragile students.
To provide more flexible learning options that would better differentiate instruction and create more time
for conferencing with students and parents, they partnered with Imagine Edgenuity — finding confidence
in its research base, breadth of course offerings, and actionable data.
● WHY IT MATTERS: the wide variety of courses enable them to support struggling students while also providing
appropriate challenges to accelerated learners.
○ “At Classical Academies, we recognize that students have varying abilities, talents, and interests. We strongly
believe that instruction should be tailored to each student’s unique needs,” said Dr. Stacey Perez, Online Principal.
○ “Edgenuity’s content and learning management system allowed us to truly personalize learning without
compromising the rigor or integrity of instruction.”
Success Story
TAKEAWAY: Charter school uses Imagine Edgenuity in four innovative ways to provide flexible options
for a wide range of students.
School Demographics
White 77%
Hispanic 11%
African American 6%
Other 6%
Special Education 9%
Disadvantaged 10%
“Edgenuity’s content and learning management system allowed us to truly
personalize learning without compromising the rigor or integrity of instruction.”
Dr. Stacey Perez, Online Principal
Providing Flexibility, Accountability,
and Emotional Competency With
Imagine Edgenuity
Founded in 1999, Classical Academies serves 4,200 K–12 students in three
independent public charter schools in North San Diego County, California.
The organization’s mission is to prepare students for college, career, and
citizenship by partnering with families, offering rigorous academics,
fostering social and emotional learning, and providing academic choice.
Classical Academies enrolls a diverse array of students, ranging from
homeschoolers, athletes, and actors to gifted, traditional, remedial, at-risk,
and medically fragile students.
To provide more flexible learning options that would better differentiate instruction and create more time
for conferencing with students and parents, they partnered with Imagine Edgenuity — finding confidence
in its research base, breadth of course offerings, and actionable data.
● WHY IT MATTERS: the wide variety of courses enable them to support struggling students while also providing
appropriate challenges to accelerated learners.
○ “At Classical Academies, we recognize that students have varying abilities, talents, and interests. We strongly
believe that instruction should be tailored to each student’s unique needs,” said Dr. Stacey Perez, Online Principal.
○ “Edgenuity’s content and learning management system allowed us to truly personalize learning without
compromising the rigor or integrity of instruction.”
Success Story
TAKEAWAY: Charter school uses Imagine Edgenuity in four innovative ways to provide flexible options
for a wide range of students.
School Demographics
White 77%
Hispanic 11%
African American 6%
Other 6%
Special Education 9%
Disadvantaged 10%
“Edgenuity’s content and learning management system allowed us to truly
personalize learning without compromising the rigor or integrity of instruction.”
Dr. Stacey Perez, Online Principal
A core belief of Classical Academies is that schools should offer flexible scheduling of courses. That’s why they offer
Imagine Edgenuity in four distinct settings.
Because they “know from Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs that students must have their basic physiological and
psychological needs met before they can really advance cognitively,” said Perez, teachers prioritize developing students’
social and emotional competencies first.
● “Our staff work deliberately with students to create a sense of belonging, build their trust, and boost their confidence.
We meet the student needs when they walk in the door.”
HOW THEY DO IT: at the start of the school year, each student meets with an academic coach, who discusses their past
educational experiences, fears, current expectations, and future aspirations.
● They develop an individualized graduation plan and set academic
and personal goals.
● Teachers intentionally and explicitly integrate character education into face-to-face instruction.
● Through specialized lessons, assemblies, community service, and field trips, students are taught to do the right thing
when no one is watching, learn from mistakes, keep a positive attitude, take ownership of feelings and actions, and
try new strategies to achieve a goal.
Four-day school week
High school students use
Imagine Edgenuity courses
for approximately 60
minutes per day, per subject
study program
Full-time independent study
students are supported by
certified teachers
High school students use
Imagine Edgenuity courses
three days a week at home
and receive face-to-face
workshop instruction two
days a week at school
Online learning
Students complete Imagine
Edgenuity courses at home
and meet with a teacher
every five weeks
A Typical Day (Blended Instruction Program):
● Most instruction takes place in cybercafés with comfortable chairs, sofas, and whiteboard tables.
● Half the time, students work on Imagine Edgenuity courses via Chromebooks — independently or with
the available highly qualified teachers, tutors, and academic coaches.
● The remainder of the time is spent engaging in collaborative learning projects, attending science labs,
and receiving small-group or one-on-one instruction.
A core belief of Classical Academies is that schools should offer flexible scheduling of courses. That’s why they offer
Imagine Edgenuity in four distinct settings.
Because they “know from Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs that students must have their basic physiological and
psychological needs met before they can really advance cognitively,” said Perez, teachers prioritize developing students’
social and emotional competencies first.
● “Our staff work deliberately with students to create a sense of belonging, build their trust, and boost their confidence.
We meet the student needs when they walk in the door.”
HOW THEY DO IT: at the start of the school year, each student meets with an academic coach, who discusses their past
educational experiences, fears, current expectations, and future aspirations.
● They develop an individualized graduation plan and set academic
and personal goals.
● Teachers intentionally and explicitly integrate character education into face-to-face instruction.
● Through specialized lessons, assemblies, community service, and field trips, students are taught to do the right thing
when no one is watching, learn from mistakes, keep a positive attitude, take ownership of feelings and actions, and
try new strategies to achieve a goal.
Four-day school week
High school students use
Imagine Edgenuity courses
for approximately 60
minutes per day, per subject
study program
Full-time independent study
students are supported by
certified teachers
High school students use
Imagine Edgenuity courses
three days a week at home
and receive face-to-face
workshop instruction two
days a week at school
Online learning
Students complete Imagine
Edgenuity courses at home
and meet with a teacher
every five weeks
A Typical Day (Blended Instruction Program):
● Most instruction takes place in cybercafés with comfortable chairs, sofas, and whiteboard tables.
● Half the time, students work on Imagine Edgenuity courses via Chromebooks — independently or with
the available highly qualified teachers, tutors, and academic coaches.
● The remainder of the time is spent engaging in collaborative learning projects, attending science labs,
and receiving small-group or one-on-one instruction.
Because they believe learning should be competency-based, students must consistently show mastery of 80 percent
of course content to progress.
HOW THEY DO IT: educators encourage students to have a growth
mindset. They help students focus on the processes that lead to learning,
such as putting forth effort and trying new strategies.
● Students are explicitly taught how to set goals, take notes, determine
the importance of content material, and actively engage in Imagine
● Teachers meet weekly to discuss student progress, achievement,
and engagement using the data in Imagine Edgenuity’s learning
management system. Teachers then meet one-on-one with students to
offer remediation and support.
● “Our teachers love that they can use Imagine Edgenuity’s dashboard
to show students how their hard work paid off,” said Perez. “We have
students who, when they get 80 percent on a quiz, say they can do
better and want to try for 90 percent.”
Families are an integral part of student success — including supervising, communicating, and aiding in daily progress.
● Parents and guardians are given access to Imagine Edgenuity courses and are even encouraged to attend classes
and lead activities with teachers.
● “Our belief is that a partnership with parents can positively impact student learning,” said Perez. “We try to provide
the tools and programming to make sure that is a reality.”
Student engagement continues to rise as students find a comfortable and safe learning environment, as well as quality
college prep courses through Imagine Edgenuity. Students who have struggled with a traditional public-school setting
are now successful in this environment.
877-725-4257 •
81%Percent of students who earned
a score of 3 or higher on their
AP tests
99%Percent of students who
graduated on time
950012750 2212
Because they believe learning should be competency-based, students must consistently show mastery of 80 percent
of course content to progress.
HOW THEY DO IT: educators encourage students to have a growth
mindset. They help students focus on the processes that lead to learning,
such as putting forth effort and trying new strategies.
● Students are explicitly taught how to set goals, take notes, determine
the importance of content material, and actively engage in Imagine
● Teachers meet weekly to discuss student progress, achievement,
and engagement using the data in Imagine Edgenuity’s learning
management system. Teachers then meet one-on-one with students to
offer remediation and support.
● “Our teachers love that they can use Imagine Edgenuity’s dashboard
to show students how their hard work paid off,” said Perez. “We have
students who, when they get 80 percent on a quiz, say they can do
better and want to try for 90 percent.”
Families are an integral part of student success — including supervising, communicating, and aiding in daily progress.
● Parents and guardians are given access to Imagine Edgenuity courses and are even encouraged to attend classes
and lead activities with teachers.
● “Our belief is that a partnership with parents can positively impact student learning,” said Perez. “We try to provide
the tools and programming to make sure that is a reality.”
Student engagement continues to rise as students find a comfortable and safe learning environment, as well as quality
college prep courses through Imagine Edgenuity. Students who have struggled with a traditional public-school setting
are now successful in this environment.
877-725-4257 •
81%Percent of students who earned
a score of 3 or higher on their
AP tests
99%Percent of students who
graduated on time
950012750 2212