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Research Brief | Imagine Español Users Out-perform Non-users on Renaissance STAR
Texas School District
Imagine Español® Users in Texas
Out-perform Non-users on Renaissance
STAR Reading Spanish Test
Imagine Español is instructional software designed to build and develop Spanish language and literacy skills
for both native and non-native Spanish speakers from Pre-K to grade two. The program is uniquely crafted to
address the specific features of the Spanish language such as letter-sound instruction, syllable awareness, and
transparent orthography. While many Spanish-language software programs are literal translations of original
English versions, Imagine Español features culturally responsive content specifically designed for young children
learning to read Spanish. By highlighting the cultural and linguistic richness of Spanish-speaking countries,
Imagine Español provides a more meaningful educational experience to students.
During the 2017–2018 school year, three elementary schools in a large school district in Texas implemented
Imagine Español. The program was used as a supplementary tool in the dual language program in Pre-K
through grade two. To determine the impact of Imagine Español, Renaissance STAR Reading Spanish scaled
scores provided by the district to measure student’s performance growth in the 2017–2018 school year were
analyzed. Due to the low completion rate on the assessment in Kindergarten and grade two, the scope of
the study was narrowed to analyze the scale scores for students in grade one. Of the 111 first graders who
completed the beginning- and end-of-year assessment, eighty-six students used Imagine Español with an
average usage of 4.3 hours during the school year.
A t-test was performed to compare users and non-users based
on their achievement levels at the beginning of the school year,
and the two groups were found to be similar. The equivalence
in baseline between the two groups ensured student’s initial
performance did not cofound growth and end-of-year
achievement, which made the two groups comparable.
When looking at academic growth at the end of the school year,
on average the first graders who used Imagine Español during
the 2017–2018 school year demonstrated more growth, and out-
performed the non-users on the end-of- year assessment.
STAR Spanish scaled score
Non-user User
Fall STAR Spanish Spring STAR Spanish
877-725-4257 • solutions@imaginelearning.com
The results of this study support the role of Imagine Español as a supplementary tool for the development
of Spanish language and literacy skills. The first graders who used the program in the Texas school district
experienced considerably more growth compared to peers who did not use the program as demonstrated by
performance on the Renaissance STAR Reading® Spanish test. Given these findings, we would expect similar
results for similar students who use Imagine Español.
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