Strategic Partnerships Lead to Academic Success“The key thing that makes it work is engagement,” said Keith Marsh, Executive Director of Indiana Agriculture & Technology School. “Every student
here has an individual plan,” he said. “That’s why our kids do so well.”
When Marsh launched a charter school in 2018–2019, he was looking to develop a school that combined virtual learning with hands-on learning
opportunities. Focused on agriculture and technology sciences, the school is designed to offer career pathways through partnerships with
agribusiness and corporations, offering career opportunities after graduation. Indiana Agriculture utilizes Edgenuity Instructional Services as its core
curriculum and pairs it with enrichment experiences on a local farm. Through carefully cultivated partnerships designed to prepare students for
college and career, students can choose from a variety of specialized courses such as robotics and welding. Students also have the opportunity to
earn certifications through the IATS Agriculture Pathways or Drone Certification Program offered at the school.
Because of the school’s blended learning structure, learning didn’t change much when COVID-19 shuttered schools across the country in March of 2020.
Indiana Agriculture students continued working on their Edgenuity curriculum from home and joined Edgenuity’s teachers for virtual interactive blackboard
sessions as needed. “The Edgenuity teachers are connected with kids, and that engagement has grown immensely over the years,” said Marsh.
Additionally, Marsh explained that “we have designed an engaging, self-paced program” where students are motivated to complete their courses.
“We’ve benefitted immensely,” he continued, “because Edgenuity isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. That’s why this year’s academic data on student’s
performance is rockin’.”
Takeaway: Focusing on a combination of hands-on experiences
and rigorous curriculum, Indiana Agriculture & Technology
School has created an engaging educational experience that
leads to student success and increased school enrollment.
Virtual learning isn’t a bad word.” – KEITH MARSH, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
Success StoryIndiana Agriculture & Technology School MORGANTOWN, INDIANA
here has an individual plan,” he said. “That’s why our kids do so well.”
When Marsh launched a charter school in 2018–2019, he was looking to develop a school that combined virtual learning with hands-on learning
opportunities. Focused on agriculture and technology sciences, the school is designed to offer career pathways through partnerships with
agribusiness and corporations, offering career opportunities after graduation. Indiana Agriculture utilizes Edgenuity Instructional Services as its core
curriculum and pairs it with enrichment experiences on a local farm. Through carefully cultivated partnerships designed to prepare students for
college and career, students can choose from a variety of specialized courses such as robotics and welding. Students also have the opportunity to
earn certifications through the IATS Agriculture Pathways or Drone Certification Program offered at the school.
Because of the school’s blended learning structure, learning didn’t change much when COVID-19 shuttered schools across the country in March of 2020.
Indiana Agriculture students continued working on their Edgenuity curriculum from home and joined Edgenuity’s teachers for virtual interactive blackboard
sessions as needed. “The Edgenuity teachers are connected with kids, and that engagement has grown immensely over the years,” said Marsh.
Additionally, Marsh explained that “we have designed an engaging, self-paced program” where students are motivated to complete their courses.
“We’ve benefitted immensely,” he continued, “because Edgenuity isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. That’s why this year’s academic data on student’s
performance is rockin’.”
Takeaway: Focusing on a combination of hands-on experiences
and rigorous curriculum, Indiana Agriculture & Technology
School has created an engaging educational experience that
leads to student success and increased school enrollment.
Virtual learning isn’t a bad word.” – KEITH MARSH, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
Success StoryIndiana Agriculture & Technology School MORGANTOWN, INDIANA