Getting Started Checklist for Teachers
Welcome, Teachers! This checklist will guide you through essential set up tasks to ensure you and your students
are ready to use EdgeEX.
EdgeEX is a new course series in Imagine Edgenuity. Many management tasks will remain the same, such as staff
and student management. However, managing courses and taking action related to enrollments have a unique
EdgeEX experience for educators. EdgeEX gives students an enhanced experience and learning tools for support.
Log into Imagine Edgenuity using your educator credentials to access EdgeEX. *Contact your administrator or
Imagine Learning Customer Success Manager if you need assistance.
Sections are unique to EdgeEX courses and essential for student enrollment, management, and monitoring.
Administrators must create a section and then the teacher(s) assigned to the section can view and manage it.
Locate and view your EdgeEX section(s)
Assigned teachers can view and manage section(s) of an EdgeEX course
To locate a section, from Manage Courses, apply filter for series: EdgeEX and/or search for section(s)
Click section name to access the Section Hub
EdgeEX Course Sections
TIP: Pay close attention to the naming convention for the section and look for teacher assigned to the section.
Manage your EdgeEX section(s )
Explore course Content information and structure
Review course Options and update as needed
View and download course Resources as desired
Student Management
Ensure students have accounts and options as needed
Students use Imagine Edgenuity accounts to access EdgeEX courses, and any new students are added the
same way you would for Imagine Edgenuity.
The same student options will apply to EdgeEX and Imagine Edgenuity courses.
An assigned teacher or administrator can enroll students in an EdgeEX course by enrolling them in a course section.
Enroll student(s) in EdgeEX course section
Enroll students in a section the same way you would enroll them in a heritage Imagine Edgenuity course.
To quickly locate EdgeEX sections, apply filter for series: EdgeEX and confirm the teacher assigned.
EdgeEX Student Enrollment
View students enrolled in course section and manage enrollments as needed
EdgeEX enrollments are visible from the Section Hub > Enrollment tab.
Assigned teachers can manage and monitor individual student enrollments as needed.
Need Help Center? Check out
EdgeEX - Getting Started for Teachers
TIP: Click on a student's name from the Enrollments view to access the individual student Enrollment Hub.
TIP: Accommodations / modifications options for EdgeEX courses are set on the student profile.
Getting Started Checklist for Teachers
Welcome, Teachers! This checklist will guide you through essential set up tasks to ensure you and your students
are ready to use EdgeEX.
EdgeEX is a new course series in Imagine Edgenuity. Many management tasks will remain the same, such as staff
and student management. However, managing courses and taking action related to enrollments have a unique
EdgeEX experience for educators. EdgeEX gives students an enhanced experience and learning tools for support.
Log into Imagine Edgenuity using your educator credentials to access EdgeEX. *Contact your administrator or
Imagine Learning Customer Success Manager if you need assistance.
Sections are unique to EdgeEX courses and essential for student enrollment, management, and monitoring.
Administrators must create a section and then the teacher(s) assigned to the section can view and manage it.
Locate and view your EdgeEX section(s)
Assigned teachers can view and manage section(s) of an EdgeEX course
To locate a section, from Manage Courses, apply filter for series: EdgeEX and/or search for section(s)
Click section name to access the Section Hub
EdgeEX Course Sections
TIP: Pay close attention to the naming convention for the section and look for teacher assigned to the section.
Manage your EdgeEX section(s )
Explore course Content information and structure
Review course Options and update as needed
View and download course Resources as desired
Student Management
Ensure students have accounts and options as needed
Students use Imagine Edgenuity accounts to access EdgeEX courses, and any new students are added the
same way you would for Imagine Edgenuity.
The same student options will apply to EdgeEX and Imagine Edgenuity courses.
An assigned teacher or administrator can enroll students in an EdgeEX course by enrolling them in a course section.
Enroll student(s) in EdgeEX course section
Enroll students in a section the same way you would enroll them in a heritage Imagine Edgenuity course.
To quickly locate EdgeEX sections, apply filter for series: EdgeEX and confirm the teacher assigned.
EdgeEX Student Enrollment
View students enrolled in course section and manage enrollments as needed
EdgeEX enrollments are visible from the Section Hub > Enrollment tab.
Assigned teachers can manage and monitor individual student enrollments as needed.
Need Help Center? Check out
EdgeEX - Getting Started for Teachers
TIP: Click on a student's name from the Enrollments view to access the individual student Enrollment Hub.
TIP: Accommodations / modifications options for EdgeEX courses are set on the student profile.
Set and communicate weekly expectations.
Determine EdgeEX implementation model and usage goals.
Consider implementing student goal-setting and self-monitoring protocols. If desired, use Imagine
Edgenuity's Student Goal Sheet to help students take ownership of learning.
EdgeEX Educator Launchpad
Assigned teachers monitor EdgeEX course section and individual student data from a few new places in addition
to some of the same ones as heritage Imagine Edgenuity courses.
Establish a basic beginning reporting routine and determine how often you will perform progress and mastery
checks and which data and reports to use.
Want to learn more? Check out the Help Center
EdgeEX - Using the Educator Launchpad
EdgeEX Reports
EdgeEX course data generates in some of the existing Imagine Edgenuity reports and new EdgeEX specific reports.
View Educator Launchpad throughout the day to identify students who need attention right away to continue
working in their EdgeEX course
The Educator Launchpad displays on the home page and replaces the Dashboard for EdgeEX courses.
Assigned teachers see and manage alerts for only their sections.
Take action immediately on Assessments to Unlock and Out of Retakes. Complete Work to Grade often.
Use the Quick View to take action for all students or an individual student.
Monitor Section Hub - Enrollments data on a routine basis more than once a week
Group-based EdgeEX report for all enrollments in a section accessible to an assigned teacher.
From the Section Hub, click Enrollments tab and view data.
Key data metrics: target and actual progress, pacing, grade, and active time per student in section.
View Enrollment Hub - Student Gradebook at least weekly to track progress and take needed actions
Individual student's EdgeEX course data accessible to an assigned teacher.
From the Enrollments tab click student name; alternatively, from Manage Enrollments click section by student.
Key data metrics: target and actual progress, grade, activity level data and actions.
Navigate activity details and make instructional decisions.
What type of conferencing schedule will you put in place?
How will you provide support for students inside and outside of the classroom?
Will you require guided notes, eNotes, or other support resources?
Conference with students and develop an action plan for assisting struggling students:
Celebrate student success! Consider using Imagine Edgenuity's student achievement
certificates to recognize students.
Visit the EdgeEX section of the Imagine Edgenuity Help Center for more information, guidance, and resources.
Set and communicate weekly expectations.
Determine EdgeEX implementation model and usage goals.
Consider implementing student goal-setting and self-monitoring protocols. If desired, use Imagine
Edgenuity's Student Goal Sheet to help students take ownership of learning.
EdgeEX Educator Launchpad
Assigned teachers monitor EdgeEX course section and individual student data from a few new places in addition
to some of the same ones as heritage Imagine Edgenuity courses.
Establish a basic beginning reporting routine and determine how often you will perform progress and mastery
checks and which data and reports to use.
Want to learn more? Check out the Help Center
EdgeEX - Using the Educator Launchpad
EdgeEX Reports
EdgeEX course data generates in some of the existing Imagine Edgenuity reports and new EdgeEX specific reports.
View Educator Launchpad throughout the day to identify students who need attention right away to continue
working in their EdgeEX course
The Educator Launchpad displays on the home page and replaces the Dashboard for EdgeEX courses.
Assigned teachers see and manage alerts for only their sections.
Take action immediately on Assessments to Unlock and Out of Retakes. Complete Work to Grade often.
Use the Quick View to take action for all students or an individual student.
Monitor Section Hub - Enrollments data on a routine basis more than once a week
Group-based EdgeEX report for all enrollments in a section accessible to an assigned teacher.
From the Section Hub, click Enrollments tab and view data.
Key data metrics: target and actual progress, pacing, grade, and active time per student in section.
View Enrollment Hub - Student Gradebook at least weekly to track progress and take needed actions
Individual student's EdgeEX course data accessible to an assigned teacher.
From the Enrollments tab click student name; alternatively, from Manage Enrollments click section by student.
Key data metrics: target and actual progress, grade, activity level data and actions.
Navigate activity details and make instructional decisions.
What type of conferencing schedule will you put in place?
How will you provide support for students inside and outside of the classroom?
Will you require guided notes, eNotes, or other support resources?
Conference with students and develop an action plan for assisting struggling students:
Celebrate student success! Consider using Imagine Edgenuity's student achievement
certificates to recognize students.
Visit the EdgeEX section of the Imagine Edgenuity Help Center for more information, guidance, and resources.