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1. Brainstorming and refining ideas
Talk through ideas with AI like you would with a colleague.
2. Lesson timing
Ask AI to help you schedule your activities to fit within a designated time block.
3. Differentiation ideas
Get suggestions on how to differentiate lessons for different learning needs.
Lesson Planning with Generative AI8 ideas to incorporate AI to promote creativity and enhance efficiencyLesson planning is time-consuming, so here are eight ways generative AI can help ease
the workload — keep in mind that educators should always apply their expertise to refine
the AI tool’s outputs.
Try this prompt:
“I’m planning a lesson on [insert topic]. What are some engaging activities or discussion topics that
I can include to make the lesson more interactive and informative for [grade level] students?”
Try this prompt:
“Here is my lesson on [insert topic and paste lesson below]. Can you help me schedule the activities
for a 45-minute block?”
Try this prompt:
“I’m teaching a lesson on [insert topic and paste lesson below] to a mixed-ability class. How can
I differentiate the activities in the lesson pasted below to ensure all students, including those who
are struggling and those who excel, are engaged and challenged?”
4. Warm-up or wrap-up activities
Add 5-minute opening and closing activities to enhance your lesson plan.
5. Quiz questions
Generate first draft quiz questions based on a lesson or text.
6. Changing lesson structure
Turn a whole-class lesson plan into independent stations or a playlist.
7. Designing rubrics
Get help differentiating the requirements for each section of a rubric.
8. Sub plans
Add instructions or modifications to a lesson plan to support a substitute teacher.
877-725-4257 • solutions@imaginelearning.com
Find more AI resources and guidance at imaginelearning.com/ai-resources.
Try this prompt:
“Can you create a set of 10 quiz questions, including multiple-choice and short-answer formats, for this
lesson on [insert topic and paste lesson below]?”
Try this prompt:
“I have a lesson on [insert topic and paste lesson below] that I’d like to convert into independent
learning stations. Can you suggest how to break down the content into different stations and
provide activities for each?”
Try this prompt:
“I’m creating a rubric for [insert name of project and paste description and first row of rubric below].
Can you help me outline the criteria for each rubric section based on the examples below?”
Try this prompt:
“I need to prepare a substitute lesson plan for [insert topic and paste lesson ideas below]. Can you
provide a simple, step-by-step guide that includes instructions for activities, materials needed, and
key points to cover?”
Try this prompt:
“What are some quick and effective warm-up activities for this lesson on [insert topic and paste lesson
plan below]? I also need a fun closing activity that reinforces the day’s learning.”
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