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Traverse Logic ModelTraverse is a modern social studies curriculum designed to bring learning to life through a variety of media.
Its structure offers multiple opportunities for students to engage with content, with technology helping to create
a more active learning experience. The program is designed with the evolving needs of today’s students and
classrooms in mind and is flexible in its implementation.
The logic model below provides a conceptual model of how Traverse is intended to work, the resources required
to make it effective, and the outcomes that teachers can expect students to demonstrate.
Program InputsTRAVERSE
Social Studies curriculum that is aligned to C3 (college,
career, and civic life) and state standards with an
instructional model that supports building Social
Studies reading skills and inquiry and research skills.
Social Studies courses including U.S. History:
Beginnings to the Civil War and World History:
Beginnings to the Reformation for Middle School; and
U.S. History: Reconstruction to the Present, World
Geography, World History: Emergence of the Modern
World to the Present, World Geography, Economics
and U.S. Government for High School.
Enduring Themes like Civics and Citizenship,
Innovation, and the Environment that bridge ideas
and concepts across courses, helping students and
teachers make connections by showing how social
studies themes cross time, space, and disciplines.
Inquiry tasks in every chapter engage students to
do social studies in a way that allows for questions
and evidence gathering from a variety of primary
and secondary sources to build claims about history,
geography, economics, and government.
End-of-course research projects provide student
choice in a fun, engaging, and memorable way to
reflect on content, including practice on inquiry and
reading skills, in a creative way.
Collaborative learning activities in every chapter allow
for exploration of questions related to chapter content
in a whole-group setting, empowering students to
engage, share ideas, and communicate reasoning
and conclusions.
Formative assessments in every lesson provide teachers
multiple opportunities to monitor student progress.
Summative end-of-unit assessments are modular and
can be completed and graded digitally or downloaded
for a paper-and-pencil administration option.
Interactive media like 3D Objects, Flipbooks, Hotspots,
Interactive Maps, and Interactive Timelines engage
students in learning, creating a more fun learning
experience while covering unique topics related to
core content.
Optional print materials support the digital experience
through the Student Source and Skill Companion and
Teacher Resource Companion.
Digital gradebook allows teachers and administrators
to see student data on specific questions, standards,
and assessments.
Initial onboarding and implementation support.
Professional development and coaching for teachers
and administrators.
Customer support to troubleshoot immediate issues.
In-product Help Center for self-service needs.
Networked computers with proper memory, media
appliances, and headsets.
Adequate classroom space.
Online access to Traverse and appropriate bandwidth
to support use.
Optional student and teacher print support.
School or district implementation plan and learning goals.
877-725-4257 • solutions@imaginelearning.com
Classroom Activities
STUDENT ACTIVITIES Following the balanced approach pathway for
instruction, complete all assigned course units within the
allotted course period (e.g., semester, academic year).
If available, review the print Source and Skill
Companion as an additional resource to support
source analysis.
Complete opening chapter Vocabulary Previews.
Complete all assigned reading skill lessons and
research and inquiry skill lessons.
Complete chapter inquiries and associated
inquiry prompts.
Complete the Take Action prompts in all
assigned Echoes.
Complete all formative assessments including each
in-lesson comprehension check and all chapter review
Complete summative end-of-unit assessments.
Participate in and complete an end-of-course project
or collaborative learning opportunity.
TEACHER ACTIVITIES Complete any curriculum training and/or webinars
and reference the in-product Help Center to prepare
for classroom use.
With each unit and chapter, review the pacing and
planning guides, which are available online or in the
Teacher Resource Companion.
Use the digital wraparound Teacher’s Edition for
guidance on suggested activities and approaches
for instruction.
Regularly review gradebook data and promptly grade
student assignments as needed.
If using the chapter inquiry tasks, use the rubric to
evaluate student work.
Modify instruction based on student performance
in Vocabulary Preview, formative assessments, and
summative assessments.
Apply scaffolding and differentiation supports based
on individual student needs.
Use point-of-use data from student activities to check
for comprehension and understanding.
OutputsSTUDENT OUTPUTS Engagement as demonstrated by participation
of classroom discussions and activities and
teacher-assigned work.
Content proficiency or mastery as demonstrated
by performance on assigned inquiry tasks, in-lesson
comprehension checks, chapter review questions,
and end-of-unit assessments.
Skill proficiency or mastery as demonstrated by
performance on activities such as analyzing images
and artwork, evaluating primary and secondary
sources, and analyzing historical significance.
TEACHER OUTPUTS Teachers complete professional development sessions
and feel prepared to implement Traverse.
Teachers make informed calibrations of content
taught to individual students or entire classes based
on student performance in Traverse formative and
summative assessments.
Teachers access in-product monitoring reports at
least once per week.
Improved Social Studies knowledge and comprehension
as reflected by progress through formative and
summative assessment scores and overall course grade.
Proficiency or mastery on any state tests or
assessments for Social Studies.
Proficiency or mastery of skills aligned to the C3
Framework, state standards, and the course content.
LONG-TERM Improved student proficiency in social studies
content knowledge.
Increased citizenship and community engagement.
Improved skill in critically evaluating issues both
inside and outside the classroom.
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