of 28

Current View
Research Conducted by Michael Hallowell, Market Research Manager
September 2023
Research Report
The 2023 Educator
AI Report: Perceptions, Practices, and Potential
Study Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Executive Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Demographic Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Detailed Survey Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
AI Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Use of Generative AI in the Classroom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Educator Perceptions of Generative AI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Parent & Community Perceptions of Generative AI . . . . . 26
2The 2023 Educator AI Report
Study Details
What are educators’ perceptions of the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the classroom?
How do educators approach AI in the classroom?
$10 gift card to the first 100 qualified
participants who complete the survey
August 25 – September 8, 2023
Primary Objectives
Incentive Fielding
Teacher 69%
Administrator 19%
Support Staff 12%
161 total participants
Web-based quantitative survey,
approximately 7 minutes in length
Sample sourced from the Teachers’
Method Sample
3The 2023 Educator AI Report
California 14%
Texas 11%
Florida 9%
Kentucky 6%
Michigan 6%
Alabama 5%
Georgia 5%
North Carolina 5%
Louisiana 4%
Colorado 3%
New Mexico 3%
Pennsylvania 3%
Arizona 2%
Mississippi 2%
South Carolina 2%
Washington 2%
Iowa 2%
Missouri 2%
Demographic Overview:
Geographic Distribution
S01. In which state is your school/district located?
Total n=161
Oklahoma 2%
Indiana 1%
Massachusetts 1%
Minnesota 1%
Nevada 1%
Tennessee 1%
Arkansas 1%
Delaware 1%
Montana 1%
New York 1%
Ohio 1%
South Dakota 1%
Wisconsin 1%
4The 2023 Educator AI Report
Executive SummaryUse of Generative AI in the Classroom
Approximately 33% of educators report using generative AI in their classrooms for tasks
such as crafting assessments, developing lesson plans, instructional content creation,
and even grading .
However, 66% of teachers who have not yet adopted generative AI cite a lack of
familiarity as their primary impediment to implementation .
Only 15% of educators surveyed feel prepared to oversee generative AI use, with 32%
expressing they are not prepared at all .
While 48% of respondents acknowledge the positive potential of generative AI, 28%
remain uncertain about its advantages and disadvantages .
33% of educators believe they have the necessary support when incorporating
generative AI, with training sessions being identified as the most beneficial resource
for facilitating adoption .
Future plans for generative AI usage reflect current trends, with educators primarily
focusing on assessment creation, lesson planning, and instructional materials development .
65% mention a lack of familiarity as the primary obstacle to the future utilization of
generative AI, with 48% of respondents also expressing ethical concerns .
Educators surveyed indicate a disparity between themselves/students and districts/
schools regarding the use of generative AI with ~60% very/likely to use compared to
~40% respectively .
5The 2023 Educator AI Report
Educator Perception of Generative AI
Educators who have used generative AI in the classroom report the impact is mixed, with
44% of those surveyed believing that the use of generative AI has helped alleviate their
workloads and made their jobs easier and 38% reporting that they are undecided .
Interestingly, those who haven’t yet used generative AI hold similar expectations
regarding its impact to those who have already used it (40% a lot/somewhat easier) .
However, 72% of educators are very/concerned about an increase in plagiarism and
cheating due to generative AI .
At least 60% express concern that it will negatively impact students’ independent
thinking, writing, and research skills .
Skepticism about generative AI’s potential to bring teachers back to the profession is high,
with only 19% of educators surveyed indicating AI would promote reconsideration .
52% are uncertain of generative AI’s impact on DEI . However, 90% believe that generative
AI will contribute to making education somewhat or more accessible .
Parent/Community Perceptions of Generative AI
Educators report minimal perceived support from parents and the community (13% very/
supportive) and believe they are reluctant to support the integration of generative AI in
the classroom .
Parent and community top concerns revolve around potential issues of cheating (66%)
and a decrease in student engagement with their schoolwork (55%) resulting from the use
of generative AI .
To address these concerns, educators have offered various strategies, with a primary
focus on enhancing AI knowledge among parents and ensuring clear, consistent
communication about how generative AI is used in educational settings .
6The 2023 Educator AI Report
Demographic Overview
Role by Counts
Teacher 69%
Administrator 19%
Support Staff 12%
S02. Which position best describes your current position or your primary responsibilities?
Total n=161; Administrators n=31; Teachers n=111; Support Staff n=19
School administrator 15
Director of Instruction/
Curriculum 7
District administrator 1
Instructional technologist/
technology coordinator 8
Classroom teacher 80
School support staff 16
Intervention specialist 9
Department Chair or Head Teacher 8
Curriculum Coach/Literacy
Coach/Literacy Coordinator 14
Teacher’s aide 3
7The 2023 Educator AI Report
Grade Responsibility
High school 62%
Middle school 37%
Elementary 29%
Administration 9%
S03. Which grade levels are you responsible for providing or overseeing instruction? (Please select all that
apply.) *Note: Base size less than 30; Interpret data with caution.
Grades K–5
(elementary) 35%
Grades 9/10–12
(high school) 84%
Administration 35%
Grades 6–8/9
(middle school) 58%
Grades K–5
Grades 9/10–12
(high school)
Grades 6–8/9
(middle school)
Grades K–5
Grades 9/10–12
(high school)
Grades 6–8/9
(middle school)
8The 2023 Educator AI Report
School Type
Public school 84%
Charter school 6%
Virtual school 2%
Private school 2%
Other 6%
S04. Which of the following best describes your school or district?
*Note: Base size less than 30; Interpret data with caution.
Public school
Public school
Virtual school
Virtual school
Private school
Private school
Charter school
Charter school
Public school
Charter school 16%
9The 2023 Educator AI Report
Detailed Survey ResultsAI OverviewRoughly 75% of those surveyed are familiar with AI based on the
definition provided.
General Education AI was defined as follows:
Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence processes by
computer systems . AI is being used in education in various ways, from chatbots that
provide 24/7 student support to personalized learning algorithms that adapt to each
student’s needs . AI-powered tools are also being used to automate administrative
tasks, such as grading assignments and providing feedback . Additionally, AI is being
used to analyze large amounts of data to identify patterns and insights that can
inform the development of new educational strategies and policies .
Familiarity with AI in General Education
Very familiar 9%
Familiar 66%
I have only heard the term AI 17%
I am not at all familiar with AI 6%
Not sure 1%
Q1. First off, how familiar are you with the use of
artificial intelligence (AI) in general education?
Total n=161
10The 2023 Educator AI Report
Familiarity with AI Classroom Tools
In terms of AI classroom tools, participants are most likely to have
experience with automatic grading and language processing — few
report experience using generative AI.
Very familiar: I currently/previously use in the classroom
40% 40% 30% 22% 22% 21% 18% 16%
27% 35%
34% 37% 30%
37% 44%
21% 20%
22% 20%
16% 11% 12%
19% 16%
22% 22%
1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 4% 4% 2%
and other
AI tools
Familiar, but I have never used in the classroom
I have only heard of it
I am not at all familiar with it
Not sure
Q2. Thinking more specifically, how familiar are you with the following tools/materials that make use of
artificial intelligence (AI) in the classroom? Total n=161
11The 2023 Educator AI Report
Current Generative AI Uses
Use of Generative AI in the Classroom
Generative AI was defined as follows:
Generative AI (such as Chat GPT, Bard, DALL-E, etc .) is a type of artificial intelligence
technology that broadly describes machine learning systems capable of generating
text, images, code or other types of content, often in response to a prompt entered by
a user .

Generative AI models are increasingly being incorporated into online tools and
chatbots that allow users to type questions or instructions into an input field, upon
which the AI model will generate a human-like response .
Roughly one-third of teachers surveyed currently use generative AI
for the creation of assessments/tests, lesson plans, and instructional
materials, as well as grading.
Q3. Which of the following ways have you used Generative AI tools (such as Chat GPT, Bard, DALL-E, etc.) in
the classroom? Please select all that apply. Teachers who have used AI in the classroom n=68
None of the above
Classroom assistants
Automating administrative tasks
Student tutoring
Analyzing student data
Customizing individual
student experiences
Creating instructional materials
including test questions
Creating lesson plans
Assessment/test creation
High school educators
surveyed are much less
likely to use generative AI
for customizing individual
student experiences
and tutoring .
“Other” mentions include:
“Creating writing samples at different levels .
“Checking the likelihood of plagiarism .
“Revising emails to parents in a professional
and empathetic tone .
“Generate ideas for research .
“Writing notes to students before AP Testing .
Teachers Only
12The 2023 Educator AI Report
Two-thirds of teachers surveyed, who do not currently use AI in
the classroom, report a lack of familiarity as the primary obstacle
to utilization.
Current Barriers to Use of AI
Q4. Why have you not used Generative AI tools (such as Chat GPT, Bard, DALL-E, etc.) in the classroom?
Please select all that apply. Teachers who have NOT used AI in the classroom n=32
None of the above
My district or school does not permit its use
I do not see the benefits for teachers or districts
I do not see the benefits for students
I believe it does not have a place in K-12 education
Increases the amount of screen time for students
I am concerned about bias
I don’t trust its accuracy
I have concerns about data privacy
We do not have access to the necessary technology
I have ethical concerns
I am not familiar enough with it

Teachers Only
13The 2023 Educator AI Report
Preparedness to Oversee Generative AI Use in the Classroom
Impact of Generative AI in the Classroom
Very prepared 4%
Prepared 11%
Somewhat prepared 30%
Slightly prepared 22%
Not at all prepared 32%
Very positive 9%
Somewhat positive 39%
Somewhat negative 18%
Very negative 6%
Not sure 28%
Q5. In your opinion, how prepared are you or those you oversee to
use Generative AI tools (such as Chat GPT, Bard, DALL-E, etc.) in the
classroom? Total n=161
Q6. Will the potential of Generative AI tools (such as Chat GPT,
Bard, DALL-E, etc.) have an overall positive or negative impact in
the classroom? Total n=161
15% of those surveyed
are very/prepared to
oversee generative
AI in the classroom.
48% of those surveyed
see the overall
impact of generative
AI in the classroom
as very/somewhat
positive .
Very few educators surveyed feel prepared to oversee generative AI
use. More than twice that amount (32%) report they are not prepared
at all.
While close to half of those surveyed see the positive potential of
generative AI, 28% are unsure of its pros or cons.
14The 2023 Educator AI Report
Ability to Address Generative AI Implementation Issues
Strongly agree 6%
Somewhat agree 27%
Neither agree nor disagree 31%
Somewhat disagree 22%
Strongly disagree 14%
Q7. And how much do you agree or disagree that you or those you oversee, have the tools, and support
necessary to address any issues (such as data and security) with the implementation of Generative AI tools
(such as Chat GPT, Bard, DALL-E, etc.)? Total n=161
33% Strongly/
Only one-third of those surveyed agree they have the support
needed when implementing generative AI.
High school educators surveyed are much more
likely to “strongly disagree” with their school’s
ability to address implementation issues .
15The 2023 Educator AI Report
Most Useful Tools to Support Generative AI Implementation
Q8. Which of the following types of support would be most helpful in providing a smoother transition towards
using more or new Generative AI tools (such as Chat GPT, Bard, DALL-E, etc.) in your teaching process? (Please
select all that apply.) Total n=161
Only one-third of those surveyed agree they have the support
needed when implementing generative AI — the majority perceive
training sessions as the most useful tools in supporting generative
AI implementation.
K–8 educators surveyed are
much more likely to report
more user-friendly AI tools as
being most helpful .
More robust technical support
More user-friendly AI tools
Better integration of AI tools
with current systems
Training sessions

16The 2023 Educator AI Report