of 3

Current View
Imagine MyPath Students in Grades 1–5
Demonstrate Significant Growth on NWEA
MAP® Growth™ Reading and Math Tests
Demographics Imagine MyPath
Users (N = 1,023)
1st Grade 10%
2nd Grade 21%
3rd Grade 25%
4th Grade 22%
5th Grade 22%
Male 53%
Asian 57.8%
White 17.6%
Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 9.7%
Black or African American 5.6%
American Indian 3.8%
Other 5.6%
100 ______________________________________________________
80 _______________________________________________________
60 _______________________________________________________
40 _______________________________________________________
20 _______________________________________________________
0 ________________________________________________________
Figure 1. NWEA MAP Growth Math Percentile Rank, Spring
2021 Lammersville USD Imagine MyPath Users Grades 1–5
(n = 726)
1–5 Hours 6–15 Hours Over 15 Hours
MAP Growth Math
Spring 2022 Percentile Rank 100 ______________________________________________________
80 _______________________________________________________
60 _______________________________________________________
40 _______________________________________________________
20 _______________________________________________________
0 ________________________________________________________
Figure 2. NWEA MAP Growth Reading Percentile Rank, Spring
2021 Lammersville USD Imagine MyPath Users Grades 3–5
(n = 551)
1–5 Hours 6–15 Hours Over 15 Hours
MAP Growth Reading
Spring 2022 Percentile Rank
During the 2021–2022 academic year, Lammersville Unified
School District implemented Imagine MyPath with students
in Grades 1–5 to supplement their ELA and mathematics
education. To measure the impact of Imagine MyPath on math
and reading skills, Imagine Learning analyzed NWEA MAP
Growth data from 1,023 Imagine MyPath students at seven
elementary schools across the district. On average, students
used Imagine MyPath for eight hours and passed eighteen
lessons. To assess how program usage was associated with
achievement, students were segmented based on their level of
usage during the 2021–2022 academic year.
After a year of using Imagine MyPath, Lammersville students
achieved higher than average scores on the NWEA MAP Growth
Math and Reading tests. NWEA expects that the average student
will perform at the 50th percentile whereas Lammersville USD
students performed on average at the 73rd percentile for Math
and the 65th percentile for Reading (see Figures 1 and 2 below).
Additionally, as usage of Imagine MyPath increased, students saw
greater MAP Growth gains in Math (see Figure 1).
Research Brief | Elementary Math and Reading Growth
Lammersville Unified School District, CA
Approximately half of the students who used Imagine MyPath Reading as a supplemental tool met their
expected growth, with that percentage increasing as students spent more time on the program (see Figure 4).
This is especially important given that these students are already performing above average. In this sample of
students, the impact of program usage on meeting expected growth was not observed for Imagine MyPath
Math (see Figure 3).
Taken together, after implementing Imagine MyPath as a supplemental resource for math and reading, Imagine
Learning performed a post-hoc efficacy analysis and identified the following insights:
1. Students at Lammersville USD performed above average on the NWEA MAP Growth Math and Reading tests.
2. There was a positive association between increased usage of Imagine MyPath Math and NWEA MAP Growth
Math percentile rank, with students in the upper percentiles having higher average levels of usage.
3. There was a positive association between increased usage of Imagine MyPath Reading and NWEA MAP
Growth Reading gains, with over half of the students meeting expected growth after spending at least five
hours in the program.
Additionally, it should be noted that these trends were identified even within an implementation that did not
meet recommended levels of usage. Greater benefits from usage of Imagine MyPath may have been found
had usage of Imagine MyPath more closely reached recommended levels of implementation. Overall, this study
provides evidence for the positive impact that Imagine MyPath can provide to students and school districts.

100% _____________________________________________________
80% ______________________________________________________
60% ______________________________________________________
40% _____________________________________________________
20% ______________________________________________________
0% _______________________________________________________
Figure 3. MAP Growth Math Expected Growth, Fall 2020–
Spring 2021 Lammersville USD Imagine MyPath Users, Grades
K–5 (n = 726)
1–5 Hours 6–15 Hours Over 15 Hours
MAP Growth Math
Spring 2022 % Met Expected Growth 100% _____________________________________________________
80% ______________________________________________________
60% ______________________________________________________
40% _____________________________________________________
20% ______________________________________________________
0% _______________________________________________________
Figure 4. MAP Growth Reading Expected Growth, Fall 2020–
Spring 2021 Lammersville USD Imagine MyPath Users, Grades
3–5 (n = 551)
1–5 Hours 6–15 Hours Over 15 Hours
MAP Growth Reading
Spring 2022 % Met Expected Growth
877-725-4257 • solutions@imaginelearning.com
Subject Usage Group Number of Users
Math 1–5 Hours 378
6–15 Hours 207
Over 15 Hours 141
Reading 1–5 Hours 276
6–15 Hours 141
Over 15 Hours 134
9655595495 2209