Imagine Math Facts Improves Multiplication Fact
Fluency in Third-Grade Students
Andrew N. Berrett1 •Nari J. Carter1
ÓThe Author(s) 2017. This article is an open access publication
Abstract Math fact fluency is foundational for later mathematics education.
Unfortunately, many students across the nation continue to struggle with these core
skills. Computer-assisted instruction may be a potentially valuable tool for
improving math fact fluency due to its ability to differentiate instruction at the
student level, provide added practice opportunities, and improve student interest and
motivation. However, research is currently lacking to demonstrate the effectiveness
of many computer-assisted interventions. One such program is Timez Attack by
Imagine Math Facts, a multiplication fact fluency training program for elementary-
age students. Using a multiple baseline across groups design, we sought to deter-
mine the effectiveness of Timez Attack in improving math fact fluency in third-
grade students. We randomly assigned 63 students to three study groups and reg-
ularly assessed for multiplication fact fluency for 12 weeks. Compared to baseline
averages, all three study groups demonstrated improved multiplication fact fluency
following the onset of the intervention phase. Further, performance during a follow-
up maintenance phase demonstrated persistence of learning. The results of this study
suggest that Timez Attack may be an effective computer-assisted instruction option
for improving multiplication fact fluency in elementary-age students.
Keywords Imagine math facts Computer-assisted instruction Fact
fluency Multiplication Timez Attack
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (https://doi.org/10.1007/s10864-
017-9288-1) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
&Andrew N. Berrett
1 Imagine Learning, 382 W. Park Cir., Provo, UT 84604, USA
J Behav Educ
Imagine Math Facts Improves Multiplication Fact
Fluency in Third-Grade Students
Andrew N. Berrett1 •Nari J. Carter1
ÓThe Author(s) 2017. This article is an open access publication
Abstract Math fact fluency is foundational for later mathematics education.
Unfortunately, many students across the nation continue to struggle with these core
skills. Computer-assisted instruction may be a potentially valuable tool for
improving math fact fluency due to its ability to differentiate instruction at the
student level, provide added practice opportunities, and improve student interest and
motivation. However, research is currently lacking to demonstrate the effectiveness
of many computer-assisted interventions. One such program is Timez Attack by
Imagine Math Facts, a multiplication fact fluency training program for elementary-
age students. Using a multiple baseline across groups design, we sought to deter-
mine the effectiveness of Timez Attack in improving math fact fluency in third-
grade students. We randomly assigned 63 students to three study groups and reg-
ularly assessed for multiplication fact fluency for 12 weeks. Compared to baseline
averages, all three study groups demonstrated improved multiplication fact fluency
following the onset of the intervention phase. Further, performance during a follow-
up maintenance phase demonstrated persistence of learning. The results of this study
suggest that Timez Attack may be an effective computer-assisted instruction option
for improving multiplication fact fluency in elementary-age students.
Keywords Imagine math facts Computer-assisted instruction Fact
fluency Multiplication Timez Attack
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (https://doi.org/10.1007/s10864-
017-9288-1) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
&Andrew N. Berrett
1 Imagine Learning, 382 W. Park Cir., Provo, UT 84604, USA
J Behav Educ
Historically, students in the USA have trailed other industrialized nations in
mathematics proficiency and achievement (Rave and Golightly 2014). Indeed, recent
reports by the National Center for Education Statistics (Aud et al. 2011) and the
National Mathematics Advisory Panel (NMAP 2008) agree that, although nation-
wide proficiency scores have recently improved, math proficiency continues to
decrease substantially as students progress from one grade to the next. These same
reports suggest that knowledge of basic math facts may be at the core of these math
proficiency deficits. Researchers commonly agree that math fact fluency is essential
for later success in more complex mathematics such as algebra (Geary 2011; Nelson
et al. 2016). In fact, one report suggests that students who do not achieve fact fluency
by the end of fifth grade are unlikely to develop fluency and automaticity in later
grades (Steel and Funnell 2001). Therefore, improvements in early math facts
education may provide the foundation necessary for later proficiency in math.
Math fact fluency is the ability to rapidly and accurately respond to the four math
facts operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) (Musti-Rao
et al. 2015; Nelson et al. 2016). The development of fluency is a multi-step process
in which a student progresses from basic counting to calculation and then to
automatic recall (Baroody 2006). A student who becomes more fluent leaves behind
old methods of calculation such as finger counting and eventually relies entirely on
semantic memory (Lemaire and Siegler 1995).
Automaticity in math fact recall is particularly important for later math success as
the development of automaticity is directly related to reductions in working memory
and, relatedly, cognitive load (Fuchs et al. 2005). An individual (young or old) who
cannot automatically recall basic mathematics must expend additional cognitive
resources to solve a complex math problem. In this case, one must devote cognitive
resources to the mental calculation of basic math facts before moving on to other
aspects of a math problem thus increasing the cognitive load or demand. In contrast,
automatic recall of basic math facts reduces cognitive load by eliminating extra
calculations and focusing cognitive resources toward solving the more complex
aspects of math problems (Parkhurst et al. 2010).
Considering the importance of mastering math facts for advancing mathematical
thinking, researchers have identified effective practices for building fluency.
Specifically, effective fluency-building instruction should incorporate modeling
(Codding et al. 2011), provide ample drill and practice with high rates of response
(Hawkins et al. 2017; Riccomini et al. 2017), include immediate and corrective
feedback (NMAP 2008), and incorporate an appropriate ratio of known to unknown
facts (Riccomini et al. 2017).
In classrooms, incorporating these facets of effective instruction can be
challenging. To provide enough drill and practice for students to master math
facts, curricula must include practice activities with ample opportunities to respond,
and teachers need to ensure that students have adequate time to engage with those
activities. And yet, the NMAP (2008) had documented that few curricula in the
USA include the amount of practice necessary for students to develop math fact
J Behav Educ
Historically, students in the USA have trailed other industrialized nations in
mathematics proficiency and achievement (Rave and Golightly 2014). Indeed, recent
reports by the National Center for Education Statistics (Aud et al. 2011) and the
National Mathematics Advisory Panel (NMAP 2008) agree that, although nation-
wide proficiency scores have recently improved, math proficiency continues to
decrease substantially as students progress from one grade to the next. These same
reports suggest that knowledge of basic math facts may be at the core of these math
proficiency deficits. Researchers commonly agree that math fact fluency is essential
for later success in more complex mathematics such as algebra (Geary 2011; Nelson
et al. 2016). In fact, one report suggests that students who do not achieve fact fluency
by the end of fifth grade are unlikely to develop fluency and automaticity in later
grades (Steel and Funnell 2001). Therefore, improvements in early math facts
education may provide the foundation necessary for later proficiency in math.
Math fact fluency is the ability to rapidly and accurately respond to the four math
facts operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) (Musti-Rao
et al. 2015; Nelson et al. 2016). The development of fluency is a multi-step process
in which a student progresses from basic counting to calculation and then to
automatic recall (Baroody 2006). A student who becomes more fluent leaves behind
old methods of calculation such as finger counting and eventually relies entirely on
semantic memory (Lemaire and Siegler 1995).
Automaticity in math fact recall is particularly important for later math success as
the development of automaticity is directly related to reductions in working memory
and, relatedly, cognitive load (Fuchs et al. 2005). An individual (young or old) who
cannot automatically recall basic mathematics must expend additional cognitive
resources to solve a complex math problem. In this case, one must devote cognitive
resources to the mental calculation of basic math facts before moving on to other
aspects of a math problem thus increasing the cognitive load or demand. In contrast,
automatic recall of basic math facts reduces cognitive load by eliminating extra
calculations and focusing cognitive resources toward solving the more complex
aspects of math problems (Parkhurst et al. 2010).
Considering the importance of mastering math facts for advancing mathematical
thinking, researchers have identified effective practices for building fluency.
Specifically, effective fluency-building instruction should incorporate modeling
(Codding et al. 2011), provide ample drill and practice with high rates of response
(Hawkins et al. 2017; Riccomini et al. 2017), include immediate and corrective
feedback (NMAP 2008), and incorporate an appropriate ratio of known to unknown
facts (Riccomini et al. 2017).
In classrooms, incorporating these facets of effective instruction can be
challenging. To provide enough drill and practice for students to master math
facts, curricula must include practice activities with ample opportunities to respond,
and teachers need to ensure that students have adequate time to engage with those
activities. And yet, the NMAP (2008) had documented that few curricula in the
USA include the amount of practice necessary for students to develop math fact
J Behav Educ
fluency. If curricula do not include adequate practice for mastery, teachers may not
develop their own mastery materials and allocate adequate time for fluency
building, thereby limiting students’ opportunities to become fluent with math facts.
When students practice math facts, practice should focus on appropriate ratios of
known to unknown facts. Achieving this can be difficult. Students acquire math fact
fluency at different rates and therefore need varying degrees of practice before
achieving fluency and automaticity for all math facts (Burns et al. 2015). Also, the
ratio of known to unknown facts will vary by student and change over time. For
example, students with disabilities may initially require a 9:1 ratio to master math
facts. That ratio can later be lowered to 3:1 as mastery increases (Riccomini et al.
2017). Other students in classrooms may need lower initial ratios with adjustments
over time to account for mastery. Instructional methods that adapt to a student’s
ability level and specific needs are more likely to be effective in teaching basic math
facts than methods that are not adaptable to individual difference.
Feedback is a critical component of programs designed to build math fact fluency
(NMAP 2008). When students practice math facts, they should have ample
opportunities to practice with immediate feedback to prevent them from practicing
incorrect responses. Mastery develops and strengthens as students practice
responding correctly to math fact prompts (Fuchs et al. 2008). Without immediate
feedback, if students answer math fact items incorrectly, they may assume that their
incorrect responses are correct and then risk becoming fluent with wrong answers
(Hawkins et al. 2017). In classrooms, teachers must ensure that all students receive
immediate corrective feedback when practicing math facts. Feedback given after
students have completed a practice session (e.g., after students complete an entire
worksheet) is not likely to be as effective.
Another important consideration related to math fact fluency may be students’
interest, motivation, or engagement in the learning process (Kebritchi et al. 2010;
Luo et al. 2009). Motivation for learning math facts can be challenging for young
children who may have trouble dedicating full attention to the memorization of
math facts. However, attention is vital for the successful encoding of new
information. Therefore, methods that can improve or maintain student attention are
more likely to be successful in developing fluency and automaticity (Fuchs et al.
2005; Plass et al. 2013). As technology use continues to increase among younger
children, traditional paper-and-pencil learning methods may be less appealing to
incoming generations of students. Therefore, in anticipation of a misalignment
between student expectations or interests and current teaching methods and tools,
many educators are looking to educational technology as a means of increasing
motivation and engagement (Plass et al. 2013). A report by Carver in 2016 surveyed
teachers in a southeast region of the USA and revealed that, despite some remaining
barriers to technology integration in the classroom, the most often reported benefit
of using technology in the classroom was an increase in student engagement.
Despite the presence of multiple educational technologies already incorporated in
the classroom, many often lag entertainment technologies, such as high-end video
games, in complexity and design. Therefore, more interesting, immersive, and high-
quality digital tools may better maintain student engagement in the classroom
(Levine and Vaala 2013; Boyle et al. 2015).
J Behav Educ
develop their own mastery materials and allocate adequate time for fluency
building, thereby limiting students’ opportunities to become fluent with math facts.
When students practice math facts, practice should focus on appropriate ratios of
known to unknown facts. Achieving this can be difficult. Students acquire math fact
fluency at different rates and therefore need varying degrees of practice before
achieving fluency and automaticity for all math facts (Burns et al. 2015). Also, the
ratio of known to unknown facts will vary by student and change over time. For
example, students with disabilities may initially require a 9:1 ratio to master math
facts. That ratio can later be lowered to 3:1 as mastery increases (Riccomini et al.
2017). Other students in classrooms may need lower initial ratios with adjustments
over time to account for mastery. Instructional methods that adapt to a student’s
ability level and specific needs are more likely to be effective in teaching basic math
facts than methods that are not adaptable to individual difference.
Feedback is a critical component of programs designed to build math fact fluency
(NMAP 2008). When students practice math facts, they should have ample
opportunities to practice with immediate feedback to prevent them from practicing
incorrect responses. Mastery develops and strengthens as students practice
responding correctly to math fact prompts (Fuchs et al. 2008). Without immediate
feedback, if students answer math fact items incorrectly, they may assume that their
incorrect responses are correct and then risk becoming fluent with wrong answers
(Hawkins et al. 2017). In classrooms, teachers must ensure that all students receive
immediate corrective feedback when practicing math facts. Feedback given after
students have completed a practice session (e.g., after students complete an entire
worksheet) is not likely to be as effective.
Another important consideration related to math fact fluency may be students’
interest, motivation, or engagement in the learning process (Kebritchi et al. 2010;
Luo et al. 2009). Motivation for learning math facts can be challenging for young
children who may have trouble dedicating full attention to the memorization of
math facts. However, attention is vital for the successful encoding of new
information. Therefore, methods that can improve or maintain student attention are
more likely to be successful in developing fluency and automaticity (Fuchs et al.
2005; Plass et al. 2013). As technology use continues to increase among younger
children, traditional paper-and-pencil learning methods may be less appealing to
incoming generations of students. Therefore, in anticipation of a misalignment
between student expectations or interests and current teaching methods and tools,
many educators are looking to educational technology as a means of increasing
motivation and engagement (Plass et al. 2013). A report by Carver in 2016 surveyed
teachers in a southeast region of the USA and revealed that, despite some remaining
barriers to technology integration in the classroom, the most often reported benefit
of using technology in the classroom was an increase in student engagement.
Despite the presence of multiple educational technologies already incorporated in
the classroom, many often lag entertainment technologies, such as high-end video
games, in complexity and design. Therefore, more interesting, immersive, and high-
quality digital tools may better maintain student engagement in the classroom
(Levine and Vaala 2013; Boyle et al. 2015).
J Behav Educ
Computer-assisted instruction (CAI) is a potential educational tool capable of
accounting for many of the previously mentioned challenges associated with
delivering effective math facts instruction (Gross and Duhon 2013). CAI includes
any type of computer software or technology designed to display instructional
material and monitor learning progress in any educational topic (Cates 2005). When
used with fidelity, CAI can aid teachers as a supplementary tool by providing
opportunities for added practice and by differentiating the educational experience of
each child. Other advantages of incorporating CAI in the classroom include
immediate feedback, automated progress monitoring and adaptive instruction,
increased engagement, and high accessibility. Multiple studies, including meta-
analyses, aimed at assessing the efficacy of CAI as a supplementary educational tool
have demonstrated positive learning outcomes for children who use CAI alongside
standard classroom instruction for math facts learning (Burns et al. 2012; Gross and
Duhon 2013; Hawkins et al. 2017).
Recent reports suggest that CAI and educational technologies improve student
learning outcomes in mathematics (Musti-Rao and Plati 2015; Rave and Golightly
2014). The NMAP has recommended CAI as a promising means of developing math
fact fluency and automaticity. Specifically, the report recommends that ‘‘high-
quality CAI drill and practice, implemented with fidelity, be considered as a useful
tool in developing students’ automaticity...’’ (NMAP 2008). A report by Burns
et al. (2012) demonstrated that the use of one computer-based math facts learning
tool nearly doubled student growth in math fact fluency over approximately
11 weeks. In another report by Rave and Golightly (2014), students who used a
computerized math fact fluency program achieved approximately a 22% increase in
test scores. Importantly, the authors observed growth for students classified as
needing special educational services as well as students without special education
needs. Despite the evidence that some CAI programs may improve math fact
learning, considerable conflict still exists concerning the true extent to which certain
CAI programs may benefit student learning. Indeed, a need remains for more and
better empirical evidence demonstrating the impact of specific CAI programs on
math facts education (Shin et al. 2012).
One CAI program specifically designed to assist in the development of fluency
and automaticity in math facts is Imagine Math Facts by Imagine Learning. The
Imagine Math Facts program consists of multiple educational video games designed
to improve math fact fluency and automaticity by differentiating instruction for each
user and focusing practice on unlearned math facts. Timez Attack is the Imagine
Math Facts game designed to teach multiplication facts and is the focus of this
study. Timez Attack may be particularly effective in teaching math facts due to its
several unique features designed to address common limitations of math facts
teaching methods. Namely, its video game style promotes continuous engagement
and attention. Also, because the game adapts to performance, each student receives
individualized instruction that focuses on automaticity for known facts, and mastery
of unknown facts. As students engage with Timez Attack, the program provides
modeling of correct answers, and immediate, corrective feedback for errors. Finally,
Timez Attack provides ample amounts of practice for all math facts and is
unconstrained by the usual progression from smaller numbers to larger numbers.
J Behav Educ
accounting for many of the previously mentioned challenges associated with
delivering effective math facts instruction (Gross and Duhon 2013). CAI includes
any type of computer software or technology designed to display instructional
material and monitor learning progress in any educational topic (Cates 2005). When
used with fidelity, CAI can aid teachers as a supplementary tool by providing
opportunities for added practice and by differentiating the educational experience of
each child. Other advantages of incorporating CAI in the classroom include
immediate feedback, automated progress monitoring and adaptive instruction,
increased engagement, and high accessibility. Multiple studies, including meta-
analyses, aimed at assessing the efficacy of CAI as a supplementary educational tool
have demonstrated positive learning outcomes for children who use CAI alongside
standard classroom instruction for math facts learning (Burns et al. 2012; Gross and
Duhon 2013; Hawkins et al. 2017).
Recent reports suggest that CAI and educational technologies improve student
learning outcomes in mathematics (Musti-Rao and Plati 2015; Rave and Golightly
2014). The NMAP has recommended CAI as a promising means of developing math
fact fluency and automaticity. Specifically, the report recommends that ‘‘high-
quality CAI drill and practice, implemented with fidelity, be considered as a useful
tool in developing students’ automaticity...’’ (NMAP 2008). A report by Burns
et al. (2012) demonstrated that the use of one computer-based math facts learning
tool nearly doubled student growth in math fact fluency over approximately
11 weeks. In another report by Rave and Golightly (2014), students who used a
computerized math fact fluency program achieved approximately a 22% increase in
test scores. Importantly, the authors observed growth for students classified as
needing special educational services as well as students without special education
needs. Despite the evidence that some CAI programs may improve math fact
learning, considerable conflict still exists concerning the true extent to which certain
CAI programs may benefit student learning. Indeed, a need remains for more and
better empirical evidence demonstrating the impact of specific CAI programs on
math facts education (Shin et al. 2012).
One CAI program specifically designed to assist in the development of fluency
and automaticity in math facts is Imagine Math Facts by Imagine Learning. The
Imagine Math Facts program consists of multiple educational video games designed
to improve math fact fluency and automaticity by differentiating instruction for each
user and focusing practice on unlearned math facts. Timez Attack is the Imagine
Math Facts game designed to teach multiplication facts and is the focus of this
study. Timez Attack may be particularly effective in teaching math facts due to its
several unique features designed to address common limitations of math facts
teaching methods. Namely, its video game style promotes continuous engagement
and attention. Also, because the game adapts to performance, each student receives
individualized instruction that focuses on automaticity for known facts, and mastery
of unknown facts. As students engage with Timez Attack, the program provides
modeling of correct answers, and immediate, corrective feedback for errors. Finally,
Timez Attack provides ample amounts of practice for all math facts and is
unconstrained by the usual progression from smaller numbers to larger numbers.
J Behav Educ
Despite the apparent advantages of using the Imagine Math Facts program, research
is currently lacking to determine the efficacy of Timez Attack as a supplementary
CAI program in teaching multiplication math facts. Therefore, we sought to
determine whether the Timez Attack program was effective in teaching multipli-
cation fact fluency and automaticity to third-grade children. We hypothesized that,
in contrast to baseline performance, students who consistently played Timez Attack
would demonstrate immediate and consistent improvement in multiplication fact
fluency and automaticity.
Study Design
Using a multiple baseline across groups design, we randomly assigned students
from three third-grade classes to one of three equally sized study groups. We
staggered the baseline-intervention schedules for each group to better establish
causality between the intervention and learning outcomes and for replication within
the study. Students assigned to group 1 completed five baseline assessments
(spanning approximately two and a half weeks) and then used Timez Attack for the
remaining seven and a half weeks of the study period. Students in group 2
completed seven baseline assessments (approximately three and a half weeks) and
then used Timez Attack for the remaining six and a half weeks. Finally, students in
group 3 completed nine baseline assessments and then used Timez Attack for the
remaining five and a half weeks. Following the baseline and intervention phases,
students discontinued use of the Timez Attack program and completed four more
assessments during a maintenance phase. Throughout the baseline phase, students in
each group used Imagine Language and Literacy, a CAI program that teaches
English language and literacy, to prevent confounding of the intervention effect.
During the week in which students transitioned between the baseline and
intervention phases, students completed one assessment immediately before playing
Timez Attack for the first time. Therefore, the first assessment for that week still
reflected baseline phase performance. Students completed the next assessment
immediately before playing Timez Attack for the second time in the week thus
reflecting intervention phase performance.
Participants and Setting
A total of 63 students who attended a charter school in a suburban area of the
western USA participated in this study. All students were in third grade. Most
enrolled students had previously used the Imagine Math Facts program during the
same school year, but none had played Timez Attack (whether at school or at home)
for training in multiplication fact fluency. Further, all students had already received
classroom instruction for all multiplication math facts and continued to receive such
instruction throughout the duration of the study.
J Behav Educ
is currently lacking to determine the efficacy of Timez Attack as a supplementary
CAI program in teaching multiplication math facts. Therefore, we sought to
determine whether the Timez Attack program was effective in teaching multipli-
cation fact fluency and automaticity to third-grade children. We hypothesized that,
in contrast to baseline performance, students who consistently played Timez Attack
would demonstrate immediate and consistent improvement in multiplication fact
fluency and automaticity.
Study Design
Using a multiple baseline across groups design, we randomly assigned students
from three third-grade classes to one of three equally sized study groups. We
staggered the baseline-intervention schedules for each group to better establish
causality between the intervention and learning outcomes and for replication within
the study. Students assigned to group 1 completed five baseline assessments
(spanning approximately two and a half weeks) and then used Timez Attack for the
remaining seven and a half weeks of the study period. Students in group 2
completed seven baseline assessments (approximately three and a half weeks) and
then used Timez Attack for the remaining six and a half weeks. Finally, students in
group 3 completed nine baseline assessments and then used Timez Attack for the
remaining five and a half weeks. Following the baseline and intervention phases,
students discontinued use of the Timez Attack program and completed four more
assessments during a maintenance phase. Throughout the baseline phase, students in
each group used Imagine Language and Literacy, a CAI program that teaches
English language and literacy, to prevent confounding of the intervention effect.
During the week in which students transitioned between the baseline and
intervention phases, students completed one assessment immediately before playing
Timez Attack for the first time. Therefore, the first assessment for that week still
reflected baseline phase performance. Students completed the next assessment
immediately before playing Timez Attack for the second time in the week thus
reflecting intervention phase performance.
Participants and Setting
A total of 63 students who attended a charter school in a suburban area of the
western USA participated in this study. All students were in third grade. Most
enrolled students had previously used the Imagine Math Facts program during the
same school year, but none had played Timez Attack (whether at school or at home)
for training in multiplication fact fluency. Further, all students had already received
classroom instruction for all multiplication math facts and continued to receive such
instruction throughout the duration of the study.
J Behav Educ
Nearly an equal number of male (n = 33) and female (n = 30) students
participated in this study. The participating charter school serves approximately 700
students enrolled in grades K–8. Twenty percent of the student body is of an ethnic
minority, 32% are of low socioeconomic status, 14% of students have some form of
learning or physical disability, and less than 2% are English language learners.
Based on results from the most recent administration of a state-specific,
standardized assessment administered annually (assessment name not provided to
protect against possible deduction of student identities), 11 of the students were
below proficient, 21 near proficient, 15 proficient, and 16 above proficient in
mathematics. The 2015–2016 school federal accountability report for the partic-
ipating charter school indicates that third-grade students at the school typically
perform on par with local education agencies but better than state averages (values
and citation not reported for confidentiality).
To assess multiplication fact fluency, we used an online multiplication fact
generator from Intervention Central (‘‘Math Work—Math Worksheet Generator’’
2017) to randomly generate 22 paper-and-pencil assessments with 30 questions
each. Each assessment was unique but comparable in content. The assessments
included multiplication facts for digits 1 through 9. After handing out the
assessments, the classroom teachers instructed the students to write their assigned
identification numbers on the front side of the assessment and then immediately turn
the assessment over to hide the math fact problems. The teachers then instructed the
students to complete as many of the 30 multiplication facts as possible in 1 min.
Once all students were ready, teachers gave a cue to turn the assessment over and
began the 1-min timer. After exactly 1 min had passed, teachers cued the students to
stop, and the assessments were immediately collected.
The study authors scored the completed assessments. To ensure accurate and
reliable scoring, 25% of the completed assessments were rescored by two other
members of our research team. Ultimately, a student’s score for each assessment
was the number of correctly answered multiplication fact problems in 1 min. We
averaged the assessment scores for each study group for group level analyses and
Imagine Math Facts creates educational games designed to improve math fact
fluency and automaticity in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The
games are adaptive to student performance and the learning experiences of each
student are tailored to their ability level. Timez Attack is an Imagine Math Facts
game designed to teach multiplication facts by placing the learner in an immersive
3D environment and requiring them to navigate throughout the virtual world
answering multiple sets of multiplication facts to progress through the game. Prior
to the standard game play, each student completes a pretest designed to identify
which math facts are unmastered and require additional practice. This pretest acts as
J Behav Educ
participated in this study. The participating charter school serves approximately 700
students enrolled in grades K–8. Twenty percent of the student body is of an ethnic
minority, 32% are of low socioeconomic status, 14% of students have some form of
learning or physical disability, and less than 2% are English language learners.
Based on results from the most recent administration of a state-specific,
standardized assessment administered annually (assessment name not provided to
protect against possible deduction of student identities), 11 of the students were
below proficient, 21 near proficient, 15 proficient, and 16 above proficient in
mathematics. The 2015–2016 school federal accountability report for the partic-
ipating charter school indicates that third-grade students at the school typically
perform on par with local education agencies but better than state averages (values
and citation not reported for confidentiality).
To assess multiplication fact fluency, we used an online multiplication fact
generator from Intervention Central (‘‘Math Work—Math Worksheet Generator’’
2017) to randomly generate 22 paper-and-pencil assessments with 30 questions
each. Each assessment was unique but comparable in content. The assessments
included multiplication facts for digits 1 through 9. After handing out the
assessments, the classroom teachers instructed the students to write their assigned
identification numbers on the front side of the assessment and then immediately turn
the assessment over to hide the math fact problems. The teachers then instructed the
students to complete as many of the 30 multiplication facts as possible in 1 min.
Once all students were ready, teachers gave a cue to turn the assessment over and
began the 1-min timer. After exactly 1 min had passed, teachers cued the students to
stop, and the assessments were immediately collected.
The study authors scored the completed assessments. To ensure accurate and
reliable scoring, 25% of the completed assessments were rescored by two other
members of our research team. Ultimately, a student’s score for each assessment
was the number of correctly answered multiplication fact problems in 1 min. We
averaged the assessment scores for each study group for group level analyses and
Imagine Math Facts creates educational games designed to improve math fact
fluency and automaticity in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The
games are adaptive to student performance and the learning experiences of each
student are tailored to their ability level. Timez Attack is an Imagine Math Facts
game designed to teach multiplication facts by placing the learner in an immersive
3D environment and requiring them to navigate throughout the virtual world
answering multiple sets of multiplication facts to progress through the game. Prior
to the standard game play, each student completes a pretest designed to identify
which math facts are unmastered and require additional practice. This pretest acts as
J Behav Educ
the first level of differentiated instruction. As users progress through the game, the
program utilizes user performance data to modify the order and content of practice
sessions to focus on unmastered facts. Users also navigate through multiple
environments designed to maintain interest and engagement. After demonstrating
mastery for all multiplication facts, students complete a posttest. Due to the adaptive
nature of the program, some students progress faster through the game than others.
In this study, we expected that most students would complete the game after
approximately 3 months of use with two 20-min sessions per week. Therefore, to
ensure that most of the students would be using Timez Attack for the full duration of
the study, we limited the combined baseline-intervention phases to 10 weeks.
Students who completed Timez Attack before the end of the intervention phase
restarted the program with ‘‘Ninja Mode’’ activated which reduces the allowed
response time for each math problem and further supports automaticity.
Students completed two multiplication fact assessments per week for the duration of
the study. During the baseline phase, students completed assessments immediately
before their regularly scheduled computer time. At the start of the intervention
phase, students completed the assessments immediately prior to each Timez Attack
session. By assessing students immediately prior to a Timez Attack session, we
could be sure that there would be no carryover effects between recent Timez Attack
use and performance on the assessments. Because students used Timez Attack
during their regular computer time, they completed all assessments on the same
days and at the same times each week for the duration of the study.
During the intervention phase, students played Timez Attack twice per week with
each session lasting between 20 and 30 min. As per teacher instruction, students
could only use Timez Attack during the scheduled times in school and not at home.
All students played on standard PCs and used either Google Chrome or Mozilla
Firefox Web browsers to play the most recent Web-accessible version of the game.
To determine the persistence of math facts learning, a 3-week maintenance phase
followed the intervention phase. The first week of the maintenance phase spanned
the school’s regularly scheduled spring break thereby providing a natural separation
between the intervention and maintenance phases. In the 2 weeks following the
spring break, students completed two assessments per week for a total of four
additional assessments. Teachers instructed their students to not play Timez Attack
in school or at home throughout the entirety of the maintenance phase. Teachers
also emailed parents at the beginning of the spring break to ensure students did not
play Timez Attack at home until after the completion of the maintenance phase. To
confirm that students did not access the program, the research team accessed usage
records and verified participants did not use the program during the maintenance
phase or during spring break.
J Behav Educ
program utilizes user performance data to modify the order and content of practice
sessions to focus on unmastered facts. Users also navigate through multiple
environments designed to maintain interest and engagement. After demonstrating
mastery for all multiplication facts, students complete a posttest. Due to the adaptive
nature of the program, some students progress faster through the game than others.
In this study, we expected that most students would complete the game after
approximately 3 months of use with two 20-min sessions per week. Therefore, to
ensure that most of the students would be using Timez Attack for the full duration of
the study, we limited the combined baseline-intervention phases to 10 weeks.
Students who completed Timez Attack before the end of the intervention phase
restarted the program with ‘‘Ninja Mode’’ activated which reduces the allowed
response time for each math problem and further supports automaticity.
Students completed two multiplication fact assessments per week for the duration of
the study. During the baseline phase, students completed assessments immediately
before their regularly scheduled computer time. At the start of the intervention
phase, students completed the assessments immediately prior to each Timez Attack
session. By assessing students immediately prior to a Timez Attack session, we
could be sure that there would be no carryover effects between recent Timez Attack
use and performance on the assessments. Because students used Timez Attack
during their regular computer time, they completed all assessments on the same
days and at the same times each week for the duration of the study.
During the intervention phase, students played Timez Attack twice per week with
each session lasting between 20 and 30 min. As per teacher instruction, students
could only use Timez Attack during the scheduled times in school and not at home.
All students played on standard PCs and used either Google Chrome or Mozilla
Firefox Web browsers to play the most recent Web-accessible version of the game.
To determine the persistence of math facts learning, a 3-week maintenance phase
followed the intervention phase. The first week of the maintenance phase spanned
the school’s regularly scheduled spring break thereby providing a natural separation
between the intervention and maintenance phases. In the 2 weeks following the
spring break, students completed two assessments per week for a total of four
additional assessments. Teachers instructed their students to not play Timez Attack
in school or at home throughout the entirety of the maintenance phase. Teachers
also emailed parents at the beginning of the spring break to ensure students did not
play Timez Attack at home until after the completion of the maintenance phase. To
confirm that students did not access the program, the research team accessed usage
records and verified participants did not use the program during the maintenance
phase or during spring break.
J Behav Educ
Typically, visual inspection and analysis is used to present the results for multiple
baseline across group studies. Data trends, variability, and other characteristics
determine the effect of the intervention on student learning over the course of the
study. In our study, we used Stata version 14.2 (2015) for the creation of all
graphics. For each study group, we computed mean scores for each assessment and
graphically plotted them to demonstrate the change in average assessment scores
over the duration of the study.
Missing Data
Teachers administered each assessment only once. Therefore, it was possible that
some students might miss some assessment administrations due to absence or other
unforeseeable reasons. Following data collection, we determined that approximately
62% of the students were, on average, missing data for approximately one to two of
the 22 total assessments, including the maintenance phase, administered in the study
with five being the maximum number of missing assessments per student (n = 2).
As groups were relatively small, missing data for any of the assessments could
result in significant variation in average performance depending on which students
had available data. Based on the study design and the structure of the data itself, we
concluded that mean imputation would be the most appropriate and conservative
method for protecting against and accounting for missing data. More sophisticated
methods of imputation, such as multiple imputation, do not support time series data,
particularly when the primary means of analysis is graphic visualization. Instead, by
using mean imputation, we could impute at the individual student level. In other
words, if a student was missing data for an assessment, the imputed value was that
student’s average score for all assessments administered during the baseline and
intervention phases.
To determine whether missing data was random, we regressed a binary missing
data variable (1 = missing, 0 = non-missing) against teacher, standardized state
assessment proficiency level, and study group. None of the regressions were
statistically significant indicating that all missing data were random and did not
demonstrate any obvious patterns.
Visual Analysis
For each group, we observed a noticeable intervention effect at the transition
between the baseline and intervention phases with groups 1 and 2 showing the
greatest change in performance over time. However, average scores on assessments
in the baseline phase were less consistent than expected. After inspection of the
assessments administered during that phase, we found that assessments 6 and 8
appeared to be easier than all other assessments. For example, compared to the
others, assessments 6 and 8 contained nearly twice as many problems that
multiplied the number 1 against another number. Therefore, we could attribute some
J Behav Educ
Typically, visual inspection and analysis is used to present the results for multiple
baseline across group studies. Data trends, variability, and other characteristics
determine the effect of the intervention on student learning over the course of the
study. In our study, we used Stata version 14.2 (2015) for the creation of all
graphics. For each study group, we computed mean scores for each assessment and
graphically plotted them to demonstrate the change in average assessment scores
over the duration of the study.
Missing Data
Teachers administered each assessment only once. Therefore, it was possible that
some students might miss some assessment administrations due to absence or other
unforeseeable reasons. Following data collection, we determined that approximately
62% of the students were, on average, missing data for approximately one to two of
the 22 total assessments, including the maintenance phase, administered in the study
with five being the maximum number of missing assessments per student (n = 2).
As groups were relatively small, missing data for any of the assessments could
result in significant variation in average performance depending on which students
had available data. Based on the study design and the structure of the data itself, we
concluded that mean imputation would be the most appropriate and conservative
method for protecting against and accounting for missing data. More sophisticated
methods of imputation, such as multiple imputation, do not support time series data,
particularly when the primary means of analysis is graphic visualization. Instead, by
using mean imputation, we could impute at the individual student level. In other
words, if a student was missing data for an assessment, the imputed value was that
student’s average score for all assessments administered during the baseline and
intervention phases.
To determine whether missing data was random, we regressed a binary missing
data variable (1 = missing, 0 = non-missing) against teacher, standardized state
assessment proficiency level, and study group. None of the regressions were
statistically significant indicating that all missing data were random and did not
demonstrate any obvious patterns.
Visual Analysis
For each group, we observed a noticeable intervention effect at the transition
between the baseline and intervention phases with groups 1 and 2 showing the
greatest change in performance over time. However, average scores on assessments
in the baseline phase were less consistent than expected. After inspection of the
assessments administered during that phase, we found that assessments 6 and 8
appeared to be easier than all other assessments. For example, compared to the
others, assessments 6 and 8 contained nearly twice as many problems that
multiplied the number 1 against another number. Therefore, we could attribute some
J Behav Educ
of the inconsistency in performance during the baseline phase to this variation in
test difficulty. By randomly generating each assessment, such a risk was inherent.
Figure 1 displays the average assessment scores for groups 1 through 3. Despite
the variability in baseline performance, group 1 scores were relatively low during
baseline (M = 13.0; range = 11.4–16.3). Scores immediately and consistently
increased following the implementation of the intervention (M = 18.8;
range = 12.2–24.6) and remained high following the removal of the intervention
during maintenance (M = 23.1; range = 22.1–24.1).
In group 2, baseline scores were initially low and continued as such with
relatively low variability throughout the baseline phase (M = 11.7;
range = 10.2–14.9). After the implementation of the intervention, average scores
markedly increased and continued to increase with good stability for the remainder
of the intervention phase (M = 16.4; range = 14.5–19.4. Scores also remained high
throughout the maintenance phase (M = 18.2; range = 17.8–18.7).
Baseline variability was higher for group 3, particularly due to the variation in
test difficulty for assessments 6 and 8. However, initial performance was low and
remained lower, on average, than the intervention phase (M = 14.1;
range = 11.1–16.4). Once students began using Timez Attack, average scores
consistently improved over the duration of the intervention phase (M = 17.5;
range = 14.9–19.8). Group 3 performance remained consistently high during the
maintenance phase (M = 21.2; range = 20.6–22.0).
While not an original study objective, we further disaggregated performance on
each assessment by prestudy math proficiency levels (‘‘Below Proficient’’, ‘‘Near
Proficient’’, ‘‘Proficient’’, and ‘‘Above Proficient’’) as determined by a standardized
state math assessment (Supplementary Table 1). This descriptive information is
useful for crudely visualizing any effect differences due to prior ability level.
Students classified as ‘‘Below Proficient’’ obtained an average assessment 1 score of
11.4 and an assessment 22 score of 16.4 indicating an average growth of 5.0 points.
Subjects classified as ‘‘Near Proficient’’, ‘‘Proficient’’, and ‘‘Above Proficient’’
improved, on average, by 5.5, 7.4, and 11.1 points, respectively, between the first
and last administered assessments. Therefore, this trend suggests that students who
are generally more proficient in math before using Timez Attack will likely achieve
greater gains in multiplication fact fluency from using the Timez Attack program.
Effect Sizes
While visual analysis is typically sufficient to demonstrate differences between the
baseline and intervention phases, the calculation of effect sizes assists in
interpretability and provides more conclusive evidence of a real effect. We
determined that the calculation of effect sizes was particularly important for this
study because of the higher variability in the baseline phase that could mask the
degree to which Timez Attack might be improving performance.
Typically, effect sizes for studies that use a baseline-intervention design are
computed by calculating the percentage of nonoverlapping data between the
baseline and intervention phases. A widely accepted and preferred nonoverlap
technique recently proposed by Parker and Vannest (2009) is the nonoverlap of all
J Behav Educ
test difficulty. By randomly generating each assessment, such a risk was inherent.
Figure 1 displays the average assessment scores for groups 1 through 3. Despite
the variability in baseline performance, group 1 scores were relatively low during
baseline (M = 13.0; range = 11.4–16.3). Scores immediately and consistently
increased following the implementation of the intervention (M = 18.8;
range = 12.2–24.6) and remained high following the removal of the intervention
during maintenance (M = 23.1; range = 22.1–24.1).
In group 2, baseline scores were initially low and continued as such with
relatively low variability throughout the baseline phase (M = 11.7;
range = 10.2–14.9). After the implementation of the intervention, average scores
markedly increased and continued to increase with good stability for the remainder
of the intervention phase (M = 16.4; range = 14.5–19.4. Scores also remained high
throughout the maintenance phase (M = 18.2; range = 17.8–18.7).
Baseline variability was higher for group 3, particularly due to the variation in
test difficulty for assessments 6 and 8. However, initial performance was low and
remained lower, on average, than the intervention phase (M = 14.1;
range = 11.1–16.4). Once students began using Timez Attack, average scores
consistently improved over the duration of the intervention phase (M = 17.5;
range = 14.9–19.8). Group 3 performance remained consistently high during the
maintenance phase (M = 21.2; range = 20.6–22.0).
While not an original study objective, we further disaggregated performance on
each assessment by prestudy math proficiency levels (‘‘Below Proficient’’, ‘‘Near
Proficient’’, ‘‘Proficient’’, and ‘‘Above Proficient’’) as determined by a standardized
state math assessment (Supplementary Table 1). This descriptive information is
useful for crudely visualizing any effect differences due to prior ability level.
Students classified as ‘‘Below Proficient’’ obtained an average assessment 1 score of
11.4 and an assessment 22 score of 16.4 indicating an average growth of 5.0 points.
Subjects classified as ‘‘Near Proficient’’, ‘‘Proficient’’, and ‘‘Above Proficient’’
improved, on average, by 5.5, 7.4, and 11.1 points, respectively, between the first
and last administered assessments. Therefore, this trend suggests that students who
are generally more proficient in math before using Timez Attack will likely achieve
greater gains in multiplication fact fluency from using the Timez Attack program.
Effect Sizes
While visual analysis is typically sufficient to demonstrate differences between the
baseline and intervention phases, the calculation of effect sizes assists in
interpretability and provides more conclusive evidence of a real effect. We
determined that the calculation of effect sizes was particularly important for this
study because of the higher variability in the baseline phase that could mask the
degree to which Timez Attack might be improving performance.
Typically, effect sizes for studies that use a baseline-intervention design are
computed by calculating the percentage of nonoverlapping data between the
baseline and intervention phases. A widely accepted and preferred nonoverlap
technique recently proposed by Parker and Vannest (2009) is the nonoverlap of all
J Behav Educ
Fig. 1 Average scores of the three study groups for each of the 22 multiplication fact assessments. The
assessments are visually separated into three sections for the baseline, intervention, and maintenance
phases. The maximum score was 30
J Behav Educ
assessments are visually separated into three sections for the baseline, intervention, and maintenance
phases. The maximum score was 30
J Behav Educ
pairs (NAP). In contrast to more generalized nonoverlap methods such as percent of
nonoverlapping data (PND) or the percent of data exceeding the mean (PEM), NAP
requires the comparison of every baseline data point with every intervention data
point to determine whether the intervention scores are above, below, or the same as
the baseline scores. Most importantly, NAP is relatively unaffected by heteroscedas-
ticity and other data distortions such as the relatively high variability of baseline
scores in this study. We calculated the NAP effect size by dividing the total number
of nonoverlap pairs by the total possible comparisons. By investigating all possible
comparisons, the resulting NAP fraction is ‘‘the probability that a score drawn at
random from a treatment phase will exceed (overlap) that of a score drawn at
random from a baseline phase’’ (Parker and Vannest 2009). A more detailed
description of how to calculate the NAP effect size and how it compares to other
nonoverlap methods is in a review by Parker et al. (2011).
For reference, an NAP value of .50 indicates no difference or complete overlap
between the baseline and intervention phases while values below or above .50
indicate worse or better performance in comparison to baseline with increasing
degrees of nonoverlap. For students in group 1, NAP was .97 while the NAP values
for groups 2 and 3 were .96 and .88, respectively. These NAP values suggest a very
strong treatment effect and indicate that a student who uses Timez Attack will be
very likely to experience significant improvements in multiplication math fact
Fidelity of Implementation
To monitor program implementation, the principal investigator was present at the
participating school for the first 2 weeks of the study during which each group
began using Timez Attack, and periodically throughout the remainder of the study
to ensure students were using the program correctly and consistently. Further, we
generated program usage reports each week to monitor the amount of time (in
minutes) each student spent on the program. At the end of the intervention phase,
students in group 1 had played Timez Attack for an average of 210 min, while
groups 2 and 3 played Timez Attack for 193 and 177 min, respectively. With the
completion of the intervention phase, students in group 1 had, on average,
completed 67% of the program, students in group 2 completed 53%, and students in
group 3 completed about 61% of the program. Due to the staggered start design of
the study, we expected differences in usage levels between study groups. However,
the fact that group 3, on average, progressed through more of the program than
group 2 suggests that there may have been some differences in prior ability level
between the study groups. Among the three study groups, group 3 included the
highest proportion of students who had received prior state math assessment
placements of ‘‘proficient’’ or higher. Therefore, this small advantage in prior math
proficiency level may have allowed students in group 3 to progress farther in the
program despite playing Timez Attack for fewer weeks.
One student played Timez Attack once during the maintenance phase for
approximately 10 min but did not progress any further in the program. A total of
J Behav Educ
nonoverlapping data (PND) or the percent of data exceeding the mean (PEM), NAP
requires the comparison of every baseline data point with every intervention data
point to determine whether the intervention scores are above, below, or the same as
the baseline scores. Most importantly, NAP is relatively unaffected by heteroscedas-
ticity and other data distortions such as the relatively high variability of baseline
scores in this study. We calculated the NAP effect size by dividing the total number
of nonoverlap pairs by the total possible comparisons. By investigating all possible
comparisons, the resulting NAP fraction is ‘‘the probability that a score drawn at
random from a treatment phase will exceed (overlap) that of a score drawn at
random from a baseline phase’’ (Parker and Vannest 2009). A more detailed
description of how to calculate the NAP effect size and how it compares to other
nonoverlap methods is in a review by Parker et al. (2011).
For reference, an NAP value of .50 indicates no difference or complete overlap
between the baseline and intervention phases while values below or above .50
indicate worse or better performance in comparison to baseline with increasing
degrees of nonoverlap. For students in group 1, NAP was .97 while the NAP values
for groups 2 and 3 were .96 and .88, respectively. These NAP values suggest a very
strong treatment effect and indicate that a student who uses Timez Attack will be
very likely to experience significant improvements in multiplication math fact
Fidelity of Implementation
To monitor program implementation, the principal investigator was present at the
participating school for the first 2 weeks of the study during which each group
began using Timez Attack, and periodically throughout the remainder of the study
to ensure students were using the program correctly and consistently. Further, we
generated program usage reports each week to monitor the amount of time (in
minutes) each student spent on the program. At the end of the intervention phase,
students in group 1 had played Timez Attack for an average of 210 min, while
groups 2 and 3 played Timez Attack for 193 and 177 min, respectively. With the
completion of the intervention phase, students in group 1 had, on average,
completed 67% of the program, students in group 2 completed 53%, and students in
group 3 completed about 61% of the program. Due to the staggered start design of
the study, we expected differences in usage levels between study groups. However,
the fact that group 3, on average, progressed through more of the program than
group 2 suggests that there may have been some differences in prior ability level
between the study groups. Among the three study groups, group 3 included the
highest proportion of students who had received prior state math assessment
placements of ‘‘proficient’’ or higher. Therefore, this small advantage in prior math
proficiency level may have allowed students in group 3 to progress farther in the
program despite playing Timez Attack for fewer weeks.
One student played Timez Attack once during the maintenance phase for
approximately 10 min but did not progress any further in the program. A total of
J Behav Educ
five students required activation of ‘‘Ninja Mode’’ due to completion of the base
version of Timez Attack before the end of the intervention phase.
Social Validity
Virtually all students who participated in this study regularly expressed enjoyment
and excitement as they played Timez Attack. For example, teachers reported that
the students randomly assigned to groups 2 and 3 frequently expressed their desires
to start using Timez Attack as soon as possible, particularly as they observed the
students in group 1 using the program. Further, when asked during observations,
students indicated that they preferred using Timez Attack to learn multiplication
facts because it was fun, easy to use, and they felt like they were learning. Students
often included unsolicited, written messages on the back sides of the assessments
such as ‘‘I love [Imagine Math Facts]!’’ or ‘‘[Imagine Math Facts] rocks!’’ For the
final assessment, students wrote short letters on the back of the assessment to share
their appreciation for Imagine Math Facts. While many of the letters acknowledged
that learning the multiplication facts could be difficult at times, all were positive in
tone and message. Below is an unmodified sampling of those notes.
•I like [Imagine Math Facts]! It helps me to learn multiplication. It is also a fun
way to learn math. It can be hard, but it helps a lot.
•I love [Imagine Math Facts]. It has helped me alout. I am a lot better at
multiplication. I also like the levels. It is hard to do but fun.
•I would just like to thank you for [Imagine Math Facts]. It has really helped me
with multiplication. [It] helped me memorize all of the 6’s! I think that [Imagine
Math Facts] is the funnest math game!
•I love [Imagine Math Facts]. It has help me alot with my moutapulcasnon.
thanck for picking our school to do this porject. it was verey, verey fun. facts are
so much fun.
During observations, each of the three third-grade teachers who monitored the
students in this study expressed overall satisfaction with Timez Attack and indicated
that the students were eager to use the program each week. In a visit with the
teachers after the conclusion of the intervention phase, each expressed positive
impressions of the impact of Timez Attack on multiplication fact fluency. The
teachers were most impressed with how the program tailored each student’s learning
experience to their specific needs. All three teachers indicated that they would be
interested in continuing to use Imagine Math Facts games to supplement math fact
teaching in future school years.
In this multiple baseline across groups study, we found that third-grade students
who used Timez Attack, an Imagine Math Facts game, improved in multiplication
fact fluency over a 12-week intervention and maintenance period as determined by
J Behav Educ
version of Timez Attack before the end of the intervention phase.
Social Validity
Virtually all students who participated in this study regularly expressed enjoyment
and excitement as they played Timez Attack. For example, teachers reported that
the students randomly assigned to groups 2 and 3 frequently expressed their desires
to start using Timez Attack as soon as possible, particularly as they observed the
students in group 1 using the program. Further, when asked during observations,
students indicated that they preferred using Timez Attack to learn multiplication
facts because it was fun, easy to use, and they felt like they were learning. Students
often included unsolicited, written messages on the back sides of the assessments
such as ‘‘I love [Imagine Math Facts]!’’ or ‘‘[Imagine Math Facts] rocks!’’ For the
final assessment, students wrote short letters on the back of the assessment to share
their appreciation for Imagine Math Facts. While many of the letters acknowledged
that learning the multiplication facts could be difficult at times, all were positive in
tone and message. Below is an unmodified sampling of those notes.
•I like [Imagine Math Facts]! It helps me to learn multiplication. It is also a fun
way to learn math. It can be hard, but it helps a lot.
•I love [Imagine Math Facts]. It has helped me alout. I am a lot better at
multiplication. I also like the levels. It is hard to do but fun.
•I would just like to thank you for [Imagine Math Facts]. It has really helped me
with multiplication. [It] helped me memorize all of the 6’s! I think that [Imagine
Math Facts] is the funnest math game!
•I love [Imagine Math Facts]. It has help me alot with my moutapulcasnon.
thanck for picking our school to do this porject. it was verey, verey fun. facts are
so much fun.
During observations, each of the three third-grade teachers who monitored the
students in this study expressed overall satisfaction with Timez Attack and indicated
that the students were eager to use the program each week. In a visit with the
teachers after the conclusion of the intervention phase, each expressed positive
impressions of the impact of Timez Attack on multiplication fact fluency. The
teachers were most impressed with how the program tailored each student’s learning
experience to their specific needs. All three teachers indicated that they would be
interested in continuing to use Imagine Math Facts games to supplement math fact
teaching in future school years.
In this multiple baseline across groups study, we found that third-grade students
who used Timez Attack, an Imagine Math Facts game, improved in multiplication
fact fluency over a 12-week intervention and maintenance period as determined by
J Behav Educ
visual analysis and the calculation of effect sizes. Despite greater-than-expected
variability in baseline measures, each of the three study groups demonstrated
consistent trends of improved performance following the onset of the intervention
phase. Further, the positive trends observed during the intervention phase continued
during the maintenance phase when students discontinued use of Timez Attack.
Based on these findings, we believe that Timez Attack is an effective tool in
improving multiplication fact fluency for third-grade students and that educational
agencies who utilize this program for multiplication fact education would likely
observe similar results. While the efficacy of CAI options may differ, programs such
as Imagine Math Facts may provide reliable solutions for addressing some of the
limitations associated with delivering effective math facts instruction.
The results of this study emphasize the potentially valuable role of CAI in
improving math fact fluency, particularly in third-grade students. Indeed, these
results are consistent with other reports demonstrating improved math fact fluency
with the use of CAI (Gross and Duhon 2013; Musti-Rao and Plati 2015; Rave and
Golightly 2014). Due to its unique video game style, the game is both engaging and
effective as a training tool in multiplication fact fluency. Indeed, throughout the
study, students regularly commented on the fun and engaging style of the game. At
the beginning of the study, after observing the first group of students scheduled to
begin using Timez Attack, students assigned to the second or third baseline groups
frequently expressed their eagerness to begin using the program. After the
conclusion of the study, we received written and verbal comments from students
indicating their enjoyment in using the program.
Beyond student engagement, Timez Attack incorporates many of the recom-
mended and effective practices intended to improve math fact fluency such as
modeling, drill and practice, immediate and regular feedback, and adaptive,
individualized presentation. In interacting with the Timez Attack program, students
encounter a unique series of multiplication fact problems based on how they
performed on a pretest and on previously completed practice sets. Indeed, prior
performance determines the presentation and testing order of specific math facts. As
with all other academic subjects, students achieve math fact fluency at different
rates and master some facts faster than others (Burns et al. 2015). Therefore, based
on the principles of item response theory and computer-adaptive testing, the Timez
Attack program continuously monitors a student’s performance so instructional time
is focused on unmastered math facts (Shapiro et al. 2015). However, to foster
conceptual understanding, practice for more complex math facts includes training
for simpler, but related math facts. For example, a student presented with the
problem 9 9 8 will obtain the solution by first solving 9 9 2, 9 9 4, and so on until
the student can repeatedly solve 9 9 8 without errors. In this way, students learn to
conceptualize and memorize more complex math facts through an interactive
modeling and practice process. Students receive regular feedback throughout the
entirety of the Timez Attack program. A positive reaction from the main character
and level progress follows correct responses. A student will not progress following
an incorrect response and the main character gives a flat reaction. Regular feedback
encourages students to give their best effort throughout the game. For incorrect
responses, the program provides immediate feedback for errors. Incorrect answers
J Behav Educ
variability in baseline measures, each of the three study groups demonstrated
consistent trends of improved performance following the onset of the intervention
phase. Further, the positive trends observed during the intervention phase continued
during the maintenance phase when students discontinued use of Timez Attack.
Based on these findings, we believe that Timez Attack is an effective tool in
improving multiplication fact fluency for third-grade students and that educational
agencies who utilize this program for multiplication fact education would likely
observe similar results. While the efficacy of CAI options may differ, programs such
as Imagine Math Facts may provide reliable solutions for addressing some of the
limitations associated with delivering effective math facts instruction.
The results of this study emphasize the potentially valuable role of CAI in
improving math fact fluency, particularly in third-grade students. Indeed, these
results are consistent with other reports demonstrating improved math fact fluency
with the use of CAI (Gross and Duhon 2013; Musti-Rao and Plati 2015; Rave and
Golightly 2014). Due to its unique video game style, the game is both engaging and
effective as a training tool in multiplication fact fluency. Indeed, throughout the
study, students regularly commented on the fun and engaging style of the game. At
the beginning of the study, after observing the first group of students scheduled to
begin using Timez Attack, students assigned to the second or third baseline groups
frequently expressed their eagerness to begin using the program. After the
conclusion of the study, we received written and verbal comments from students
indicating their enjoyment in using the program.
Beyond student engagement, Timez Attack incorporates many of the recom-
mended and effective practices intended to improve math fact fluency such as
modeling, drill and practice, immediate and regular feedback, and adaptive,
individualized presentation. In interacting with the Timez Attack program, students
encounter a unique series of multiplication fact problems based on how they
performed on a pretest and on previously completed practice sets. Indeed, prior
performance determines the presentation and testing order of specific math facts. As
with all other academic subjects, students achieve math fact fluency at different
rates and master some facts faster than others (Burns et al. 2015). Therefore, based
on the principles of item response theory and computer-adaptive testing, the Timez
Attack program continuously monitors a student’s performance so instructional time
is focused on unmastered math facts (Shapiro et al. 2015). However, to foster
conceptual understanding, practice for more complex math facts includes training
for simpler, but related math facts. For example, a student presented with the
problem 9 9 8 will obtain the solution by first solving 9 9 2, 9 9 4, and so on until
the student can repeatedly solve 9 9 8 without errors. In this way, students learn to
conceptualize and memorize more complex math facts through an interactive
modeling and practice process. Students receive regular feedback throughout the
entirety of the Timez Attack program. A positive reaction from the main character
and level progress follows correct responses. A student will not progress following
an incorrect response and the main character gives a flat reaction. Regular feedback
encourages students to give their best effort throughout the game. For incorrect
responses, the program provides immediate feedback for errors. Incorrect answers
J Behav Educ
are subsequently followed by multiple opportunities to practice and ultimately
master the problems. By incorporating these recommended practices (Riccomini
et al. 2017), Timez Attack may be a particularly effective CAI program for
improving math fact fluency in elementary-age students. Indeed, the results of the
current study suggest that the Timez Attack program, as currently designed, is in
fact an effective tool for math facts education.
The results of this study generate multiple insights regarding the specific use and
implementation of Timez Attack as a CAI option for training in multiplication fact
fluency. First, because all three study groups demonstrated significant improvement
in fluency, we can deduce that playing the Timez Attack program for as little as
5 weeks or approximately 180 min may be sufficient to realize some benefits from
the program. However, increased use of the Timez Attack program may be
associated with greater improvement in multiplication fact fluency since the study
groups with the greatest levels of usage demonstrated the greatest increases in
performance. Secondly, use of the Timez Attack program may be beneficial for
improving multiplication fact fluency despite prior ability in or knowledge of
multiplication facts. While the students recruited for the study had already received
classroom instruction and practice for multiplication facts, all three study groups
achieved significant improvements in math fact fluency after using the Timez Attack
program. Further, a post hoc exploration of student performance revealed that
students at all levels of prior math proficiency improved in multiplication fact
fluency following use of the Timez Attack program. In fact, students who were more
proficient in mathematics prior to the study onset seemed to benefit the most from
the Timez Attack program. Therefore, students at all levels of experience and prior
proficiency could potentially benefit from using Timez Attack to improve
multiplication fact fluency.
Several factors require consideration in interpreting the findings of this study.
First, nearly all students were missing scores for at least one assessment. Though we
did not observe patters in the missing data and we applied mean imputation to
account for it, some uncertainty in true performance will inevitably remain. In a
similar vein, we also observed greater-than-expected between-assessment variabil-
ity in scores. The greatest variability was during the baseline phase in which
students performed better than expected on at least two of the assessments. The
random generation of each assessment likely led to differences in assessment
difficulty which would directly relate to variations in performance. Using a
standardized assessment could have addressed this issue. However, to our
knowledge, no standardized assessment currently exists that assesses multiplication
fact fluency and has enough forms/variations necessary for a multiple baseline
across groups study design. We observed a minor ceiling effect for some students
who could answer all thirty questions correctly for multiple consecutive
assessments. Therefore, had each assessment included more problems, study group
score averages may have been larger than currently reported. Also, despite
randomly assigning students to study groups, the study sample was very
heterogeneous with respect to prior math proficiency level. We generated a
supplementary table to display average performance by prior proficiency level
(Supplementary Table 1), but the small sample size and study design prohibited an
J Behav Educ
master the problems. By incorporating these recommended practices (Riccomini
et al. 2017), Timez Attack may be a particularly effective CAI program for
improving math fact fluency in elementary-age students. Indeed, the results of the
current study suggest that the Timez Attack program, as currently designed, is in
fact an effective tool for math facts education.
The results of this study generate multiple insights regarding the specific use and
implementation of Timez Attack as a CAI option for training in multiplication fact
fluency. First, because all three study groups demonstrated significant improvement
in fluency, we can deduce that playing the Timez Attack program for as little as
5 weeks or approximately 180 min may be sufficient to realize some benefits from
the program. However, increased use of the Timez Attack program may be
associated with greater improvement in multiplication fact fluency since the study
groups with the greatest levels of usage demonstrated the greatest increases in
performance. Secondly, use of the Timez Attack program may be beneficial for
improving multiplication fact fluency despite prior ability in or knowledge of
multiplication facts. While the students recruited for the study had already received
classroom instruction and practice for multiplication facts, all three study groups
achieved significant improvements in math fact fluency after using the Timez Attack
program. Further, a post hoc exploration of student performance revealed that
students at all levels of prior math proficiency improved in multiplication fact
fluency following use of the Timez Attack program. In fact, students who were more
proficient in mathematics prior to the study onset seemed to benefit the most from
the Timez Attack program. Therefore, students at all levels of experience and prior
proficiency could potentially benefit from using Timez Attack to improve
multiplication fact fluency.
Several factors require consideration in interpreting the findings of this study.
First, nearly all students were missing scores for at least one assessment. Though we
did not observe patters in the missing data and we applied mean imputation to
account for it, some uncertainty in true performance will inevitably remain. In a
similar vein, we also observed greater-than-expected between-assessment variabil-
ity in scores. The greatest variability was during the baseline phase in which
students performed better than expected on at least two of the assessments. The
random generation of each assessment likely led to differences in assessment
difficulty which would directly relate to variations in performance. Using a
standardized assessment could have addressed this issue. However, to our
knowledge, no standardized assessment currently exists that assesses multiplication
fact fluency and has enough forms/variations necessary for a multiple baseline
across groups study design. We observed a minor ceiling effect for some students
who could answer all thirty questions correctly for multiple consecutive
assessments. Therefore, had each assessment included more problems, study group
score averages may have been larger than currently reported. Also, despite
randomly assigning students to study groups, the study sample was very
heterogeneous with respect to prior math proficiency level. We generated a
supplementary table to display average performance by prior proficiency level
(Supplementary Table 1), but the small sample size and study design prohibited an
J Behav Educ
in-depth analysis of how prior math proficiency level may have related to the study
outcome. Finally, during the first 2 weeks of the study, some usability and technical
issues occurred which may have delayed or interrupted learning opportunities for
some students. However, we resolved all technical issues by the third week of the
In conclusion, this study adds to the ever-accumulating evidence that CAI
programs such as Timez Attack by Imagine Math Facts may be viable,
supplementary options for math facts education. However, as more CAI options
become available, additional research is necessary to demonstrate the effectiveness
of each option. Therefore, the results of this study stand as empirical evidence of the
effectiveness of Timez Attack in developing multiplication fact fluency in third-
grade students. We recommend that additional research be conducted to determine
the effectiveness of other Imagine Math Facts games in developing math fact
fluency for other operators such as addition and subtraction. Additionally, future
research could explore the effectiveness of Timez Attack or other Imagine Math
Facts games in developing math fact fluency in other populations such as students in
different grades or who have learning disabilities.
Compliance with Ethical Standards
Conflict of interest Both authors are employed by Imagine Learning.
Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, dis-
tribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original
author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were
Aud, S., Hussar, W., Kena, G., Bianco, K., Frohlich, L., Kemp, J., et al. (2011). The condition of
education 2011 (NCES 2011-033). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
Baroody, A. J. (2006). Why children have difficulties mastering the basic number combinations and how
to help them. Teaching Children Mathematics, 13, 22–31.
Boyle, E. A., Hainey, T., Connolly, T. M., Gray, G., Earp, J., Ott, M., et al. (2015). An update to the
systemaic literature review of empirical evidence of the impacts and outcomes of computer games
and serious games. Computers & Education, 94, 178–192. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compeduc.2015.
Burns, M. K., Kanive, R., & DeGrande, M. (2012). Effect of a computer-delivered math fact intervention
as a supplemental intervention for math in third and fourth grades. Remedial and Special Education,
33, 184–191. https://doi.org/10.1177/0741932510381652.
Burns, M. K., Ysseldyke, J., Nelson, P. M., & Kanive, R. (2015). Number of repetitions required to retain
single-digit multiplication math facts for elementary students. School Psychology Quarterly, 30,
398–405. https://doi.org/10.1037/spq0000097.
Carver, L. B. (2016). Teacher perception of barriers and benefits in K-12 technology usage. The Turkish
Online Journal of Educational Technology, 15(1), 110–116.
Cates, G. L. (2005). Effects of peer versus computer-assisted drill on mathematics response rates.
Psychology in the Schools, 42(6), 637–646. https://doi.org/10.1002/pits.20105.
Codding, R. S., Burns, M. K., & Lukito, G. (2011). Meta-analysis of mathematic basic-fact fluency
interventions: A component analysis. Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, 26, 36–47.
J Behav Educ
outcome. Finally, during the first 2 weeks of the study, some usability and technical
issues occurred which may have delayed or interrupted learning opportunities for
some students. However, we resolved all technical issues by the third week of the
In conclusion, this study adds to the ever-accumulating evidence that CAI
programs such as Timez Attack by Imagine Math Facts may be viable,
supplementary options for math facts education. However, as more CAI options
become available, additional research is necessary to demonstrate the effectiveness
of each option. Therefore, the results of this study stand as empirical evidence of the
effectiveness of Timez Attack in developing multiplication fact fluency in third-
grade students. We recommend that additional research be conducted to determine
the effectiveness of other Imagine Math Facts games in developing math fact
fluency for other operators such as addition and subtraction. Additionally, future
research could explore the effectiveness of Timez Attack or other Imagine Math
Facts games in developing math fact fluency in other populations such as students in
different grades or who have learning disabilities.
Compliance with Ethical Standards
Conflict of interest Both authors are employed by Imagine Learning.
Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, dis-
tribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original
author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were
Aud, S., Hussar, W., Kena, G., Bianco, K., Frohlich, L., Kemp, J., et al. (2011). The condition of
education 2011 (NCES 2011-033). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
Baroody, A. J. (2006). Why children have difficulties mastering the basic number combinations and how
to help them. Teaching Children Mathematics, 13, 22–31.
Boyle, E. A., Hainey, T., Connolly, T. M., Gray, G., Earp, J., Ott, M., et al. (2015). An update to the
systemaic literature review of empirical evidence of the impacts and outcomes of computer games
and serious games. Computers & Education, 94, 178–192. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compeduc.2015.
Burns, M. K., Kanive, R., & DeGrande, M. (2012). Effect of a computer-delivered math fact intervention
as a supplemental intervention for math in third and fourth grades. Remedial and Special Education,
33, 184–191. https://doi.org/10.1177/0741932510381652.
Burns, M. K., Ysseldyke, J., Nelson, P. M., & Kanive, R. (2015). Number of repetitions required to retain
single-digit multiplication math facts for elementary students. School Psychology Quarterly, 30,
398–405. https://doi.org/10.1037/spq0000097.
Carver, L. B. (2016). Teacher perception of barriers and benefits in K-12 technology usage. The Turkish
Online Journal of Educational Technology, 15(1), 110–116.
Cates, G. L. (2005). Effects of peer versus computer-assisted drill on mathematics response rates.
Psychology in the Schools, 42(6), 637–646. https://doi.org/10.1002/pits.20105.
Codding, R. S., Burns, M. K., & Lukito, G. (2011). Meta-analysis of mathematic basic-fact fluency
interventions: A component analysis. Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, 26, 36–47.
J Behav Educ
Fuchs, L. S., Compton, D. L., Fuchs, D., Paulsen, K., Bryant, J. D., & Hamlett, C. L. (2005). The
prevention, identification, and cognitive determinants of math difficulty. Journal of Educational
Psychology, 97, 493–513.
Fuchs, L. S., Seethaler, P. M., Powell, S. R., Fuchs, D., Hamlett, C. L., & Fletcher, J. M. (2008). Effects
of preventative tutoring on the mathematical problem solving of third-grade students with math and
reading difficulties. Exceptional Children, 74, 155–173.
Geary, D. C. (2011). Cognitive predictors of achievement growth in mathematics: A 5-year longitudinal
study. Developmental Psychology, 47, 1539–1552. https://doi.org/10.1037/a0025510.
Gross, T. J., & Duhon, G. (2013). Evaluation of computer-assisted instruction for math accuracy
intervention. Journal of Applied School Psychology, 29, 246–261. https://doi.org/10.1080/
Hawkins, R. O., Collins, T., Hernan, C., & Flowers, E. (2017). Using computer-assisted instruction to
build math fact fluency: An implementation guide. Intervention in School and Clinic, 52, 141–147.
Kebritchi, M., Hirumi, A., & Bai, H. (2010). The effects of modern mathematics computer games on
mathematics achievement and class motivation. Computers & Education, 55, 427–443. https://doi.
Lemaire, P., & Siegler, R. S. (1995). Four aspects of strategic change: Contributions to children’s learning
of multiplication. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 124, 83–97.
Levine, M. H., & Vaala, S. E. (2013). Games for learning: Vast wasteland or digital promise? In F.
C. Blumberg & S. M. Fisch (Eds.), Digital games: A context for cognitive devleopment. New
directions for child and adolescent development (Vol. 139, pp. 71–82). Hoboken: Wiley.
Luo, W., Hughes, J. N., Liew, J., & Kwok, O. (2009). Classifying academically at-risk first graders into
engagement types: Association with long-term achievement trajectories. The Elementary School
Journal, 109(4), 380–405.
Musti-Rao, S., Lynch, T. L., & Plati, E. (2015). Training for fluency and generalization of math facts
using technology. Intervention in School and Clinic, 51, 112–117. https://doi.org/10.1177/
Musti-Rao, S., & Plati, E. (2015). Comparing two classwide interventions: Implications of using
technology for increasing multiplication fact fluency. Journal of Behavioral Education, 24,
418–437. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10864-015-9228-x.
National Mathematics Advisory Panel (NMAP). (2008). Foundations for success: The final report of the
national mathematics advisory panel. Washington, DC: U. S. Department of Education.
Nelson, P. M., Parker, D. C., & Zaslofsky, A. F. (2016). The relative value of growth in math fact skills
across late elementary and middle school. Assessment for Effective Intervention, 41, 184–192.
Parker, R. I., & Vannest, K. (2009). An improved effect size for single-case research: Nonoverlap of all
pairs. Behavior Therapy, 40, 357–367.
Parker, R. I., Vannest, K. J., & Davis, J. L. (2011). Effect size in single-case research: A review of nine
nonoverlap techniques. Behavior Modification, 35, 303–322. https://doi.org/10.1177/
Parkhurst, J., Skinner, C. H., Yaw, J., Poncy, B., Adcock, W., & Luna, E. (2010). Efficient class-wide
remediation: Using technology to identify idiosyncratic math facts for additional automaticity drills.
International Journal of Behavioral Consultation and Therapy, 6, 111–123.
Plass, J. L., O’Keefe, P. A., Homer, B. D., Case, J., Hayward, E. O., Stein, M., et al. (2013). The impact of
individual, competitive, and collaborative mathematics game play on learning, performance, and
motivation. Journal of Educational Psychology, 105(4), 1050–1066. https://doi.org/10.1037/
Rave, K., & Golightly, A. F. (2014). The effectiveness of the Rocket Math program for improving basic
multiplication fact fluency in fifth grade students: A case study. Education, 134, 537–547.
Riccomini, P. J., Stoker, J. D., & Morano, S. (2017). Implementing an effective mathematics fact fluency
practice activity. Teaching Exceptional Children, 49, 318–327.
Shapiro, E. S., Dennis, M. S., & Fu, Q. (2015). Comparing computer adaptive and curriculum-based
measures of math in progress monitoring. School Psychology Quarterly, 30(4), 470–487. https://doi.
Shin, N., Sutherland, L. M., Norris, C. A., & Soloway, E. (2012). Effects of game technology on
elementary student learning in mathematics. British Journal of Educational Technology, 43(4),
540–560. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-8535.2011.01197.x.
J Behav Educ
prevention, identification, and cognitive determinants of math difficulty. Journal of Educational
Psychology, 97, 493–513.
Fuchs, L. S., Seethaler, P. M., Powell, S. R., Fuchs, D., Hamlett, C. L., & Fletcher, J. M. (2008). Effects
of preventative tutoring on the mathematical problem solving of third-grade students with math and
reading difficulties. Exceptional Children, 74, 155–173.
Geary, D. C. (2011). Cognitive predictors of achievement growth in mathematics: A 5-year longitudinal
study. Developmental Psychology, 47, 1539–1552. https://doi.org/10.1037/a0025510.
Gross, T. J., & Duhon, G. (2013). Evaluation of computer-assisted instruction for math accuracy
intervention. Journal of Applied School Psychology, 29, 246–261. https://doi.org/10.1080/
Hawkins, R. O., Collins, T., Hernan, C., & Flowers, E. (2017). Using computer-assisted instruction to
build math fact fluency: An implementation guide. Intervention in School and Clinic, 52, 141–147.
Kebritchi, M., Hirumi, A., & Bai, H. (2010). The effects of modern mathematics computer games on
mathematics achievement and class motivation. Computers & Education, 55, 427–443. https://doi.
Lemaire, P., & Siegler, R. S. (1995). Four aspects of strategic change: Contributions to children’s learning
of multiplication. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 124, 83–97.
Levine, M. H., & Vaala, S. E. (2013). Games for learning: Vast wasteland or digital promise? In F.
C. Blumberg & S. M. Fisch (Eds.), Digital games: A context for cognitive devleopment. New
directions for child and adolescent development (Vol. 139, pp. 71–82). Hoboken: Wiley.
Luo, W., Hughes, J. N., Liew, J., & Kwok, O. (2009). Classifying academically at-risk first graders into
engagement types: Association with long-term achievement trajectories. The Elementary School
Journal, 109(4), 380–405.
Musti-Rao, S., Lynch, T. L., & Plati, E. (2015). Training for fluency and generalization of math facts
using technology. Intervention in School and Clinic, 51, 112–117. https://doi.org/10.1177/
Musti-Rao, S., & Plati, E. (2015). Comparing two classwide interventions: Implications of using
technology for increasing multiplication fact fluency. Journal of Behavioral Education, 24,
418–437. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10864-015-9228-x.
National Mathematics Advisory Panel (NMAP). (2008). Foundations for success: The final report of the
national mathematics advisory panel. Washington, DC: U. S. Department of Education.
Nelson, P. M., Parker, D. C., & Zaslofsky, A. F. (2016). The relative value of growth in math fact skills
across late elementary and middle school. Assessment for Effective Intervention, 41, 184–192.
Parker, R. I., & Vannest, K. (2009). An improved effect size for single-case research: Nonoverlap of all
pairs. Behavior Therapy, 40, 357–367.
Parker, R. I., Vannest, K. J., & Davis, J. L. (2011). Effect size in single-case research: A review of nine
nonoverlap techniques. Behavior Modification, 35, 303–322. https://doi.org/10.1177/
Parkhurst, J., Skinner, C. H., Yaw, J., Poncy, B., Adcock, W., & Luna, E. (2010). Efficient class-wide
remediation: Using technology to identify idiosyncratic math facts for additional automaticity drills.
International Journal of Behavioral Consultation and Therapy, 6, 111–123.
Plass, J. L., O’Keefe, P. A., Homer, B. D., Case, J., Hayward, E. O., Stein, M., et al. (2013). The impact of
individual, competitive, and collaborative mathematics game play on learning, performance, and
motivation. Journal of Educational Psychology, 105(4), 1050–1066. https://doi.org/10.1037/
Rave, K., & Golightly, A. F. (2014). The effectiveness of the Rocket Math program for improving basic
multiplication fact fluency in fifth grade students: A case study. Education, 134, 537–547.
Riccomini, P. J., Stoker, J. D., & Morano, S. (2017). Implementing an effective mathematics fact fluency
practice activity. Teaching Exceptional Children, 49, 318–327.
Shapiro, E. S., Dennis, M. S., & Fu, Q. (2015). Comparing computer adaptive and curriculum-based
measures of math in progress monitoring. School Psychology Quarterly, 30(4), 470–487. https://doi.
Shin, N., Sutherland, L. M., Norris, C. A., & Soloway, E. (2012). Effects of game technology on
elementary student learning in mathematics. British Journal of Educational Technology, 43(4),
540–560. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-8535.2011.01197.x.
J Behav Educ
StataCorp. (2015). Stata Statistical Software: Release 14. College Station, TX: StataCorp LP.
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methods in England. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 79, 37–55. https://doi.org/10.1006/
Wright, J. Math Work—Math Worksheet Generator. Retrieved from http://www.interventioncentral.org/
J Behav Educ
Steel, S., & Funnell, E. (2001). Learning multiplication facts: a study of children taught by discovery
methods in England. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 79, 37–55. https://doi.org/10.1006/
Wright, J. Math Work—Math Worksheet Generator. Retrieved from http://www.interventioncentral.org/
J Behav Educ