English Language Arts

Overview Brochure
Learn more about the content-based approach to literacy instruction that utilizes real-world compelling texts.

Print Components Samplers
Access print samples for teacher and student editions for grades 3–8.
Grades K–2 coming soon!

Guided Product Tour
We provide an interactive digital experience where educators and students get to do what they do best — teach and learn! Our guided product tour walks you through the research, design, and engaging digital components of Imagine Learning EL Education.

Digital Review
Ready to review the full digital experience? Request access to the curriculum.

New Features Brochure
With Imagine IM, the Illustrative Mathematics problem-based pedagogy and instructional design remain intact, while the whole program is optimized for engagement, accessibility, and usability. A wealth of tools unavailable anywhere else enhances the classroom experience for teachers and students.

Overview Brochures
View the program overview brochures for K–5, 6–8, and Algebra, Geometry, and Algebra 2 (AGA) to explore the instructional experience that leverages the power of high-quality, problem-based curricula.

Program Samples
Access print samples from the teacher unit guides and student workbooks for select grade levels.

Guided Product Tours
We provide an interactive experience where students thrive through inclusive instructional routines, collaborative math discourse, and digital tools that promote thinking and reasoning.

Digital Review
Ready to review the full digital experience? Request access to the curriculum.

Elementary Overview Brochure
Experience comprehensive coverage of 3-D science standards through engaging hands-on and digital investigations in which students take on the roles of real-life scientists and engineers.

Middle School Overview Brochure
Discover the wonders of science phenomena through multimodal investigations that emulate real-world scientific, engineering, and related trade careers.

Lessons in Action
These videos show how Twig Science aligns to 3-D science standards and develops grade-level crosscutting concepts and science and engineering practices.

Digital Review
Ready to review the full digital experience? Request access to the curriculum.
Engage Your Students
Talk to us to learn more about how our curricula can help you meet your school’s academic goals.
Social Studies
Grades 6–12
A digital-forward, one-stop social studies curriculum with flexible, customizable content, so teachers approach instruction with confidence and students experience engaging content in a variety of modalities to appeal to different learning styles.
Overview Brochure
Discover how Traverse encourages genuine, inquiry-based learning.
Media Guide
Take a closer look at how Traverse’s continually updated, living curriculum is carefully crafted to captivate learners through a variety of modalities.