College & Career Readiness
Encourage students to explore opportunities beyond high school with a career and technical education curriculum designed to deepen the connection between academic learning and career-focused skills.
Empower Students for College and Career

Whether high school students plan to attend college or start a fulfilling career after graduation, they need preparation to support their personal and academic goals. Our catalog of highly relevant career and technical education (CTE) courses empowers students to explore their interests by engaging with learning experiences across different careers and industries — including multiyear support for high-demand, high-interest careers and job certification exam readiness.
Courses for a Lifetime of Learning

Imagine Edgenuity® courses
- 200+ career-focused course options
- Anywhere, anytime self-paced learning
- Project-based curriculum that ensures student engagement
- Real-world learning for today’s in-demand jobs
- Educators can customize courses to address locally defined CTE priorities

Instructional Services
Certified teachers expand opportunities for college-bound or career-focused students with proactive communication and live instruction.

Imagine Purpose™
Discover a complete social and emotional learning curriculum that helps students build the critical life skills they need to succeed in college and their careers.

Funding and resources
Learn how Imagine Learning’s qualified programs meet your federal funding requirements and create equitable pathways for each student.
**Advance CTE is a national non-profit organization representing state CTE professionals. Advance CTE developed the Career Clusters Framework® which includes commonly referenced Career Clusters and Career Pathways. Clusters include: Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources, Architecture & Construction, Arts, A/V Technology & Communications, Business Management & Administration, Education and Training, Finance, Government & Public Administration, Health Science, Hospitality & Tourism, Human Services, Information Technology, Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security, Manufacturing, Marketing, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), Transportation, Distribution & Logistics.
***Imagine Learning does not provide certification exams.